Warning: Many of these scripts require additional files which will be included in the download.
Executing these scripts without those files could result in anything from minor irritations to code failure.
Be sure to download the zip file if you plan on using the code.


Last modified:   Wednesday, September 30, 2020

;   Function List
;         __ArrayAdd()
;         __ArrayConcatenate()
;         __ArrayDelete()
;         __ArrayFindAll()
;         __ArrayGetBase()
;         __ArrayReplace()
;         __ArrayReverse()
;         __ArraySearch()
;         __ArrayToString()
;         __ArrayUnique()
;         _ArraySortClib()


; Function Name:    __ArrayAdd()
; Description:      Adds a specified value at the end of an existing array.
; Syntax:           __ArrayAdd($avArray, "Value to add to $avArray")
; Parameter(s):     $avArray - Array to modify
;                             $vValue - Value to add
; Return Value(s):  Success - Returns 1
;                            Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error
; Requirements:      None.
; Author(s):        Jos van der Zande [jdeb at autoitscript dot com]
; Modifications:    Ultima - Code cleanup

Func __ArrayAdd(ByRef $avArray, $vValue)
  If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) + 1]
  $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] = $vValue
  Return 1
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayAdd()

; Function Name:    __ArrayConcatenate()
; Description:      Concatenate two arrays.
; Syntax:           __ArrayConcatenate(Array to Add to, Array to be added)
; Parameter(s):     $avArrayTarget - The array to concatenate onto
;                   $avArraySource - The array to concatenate from
; Return Value(s):  Success - Returns 1
;                   Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error
;                             [1 = $avArrayTarget is not an array
;                             [2 = $avArraySource is not an array
; Requirements:      None.
; Author(s):        Ultima
; Modifications:

Func __ArrayConcatenate(ByRef $avArrayTarget, ByRef $avArraySource)
  If Not IsArray($avArrayTarget) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  If Not IsArray($avArraySource) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
  Local $iUBoundTarget = UBound($avArrayTarget), $iUBoundSource = UBound($avArraySource)
  ReDim $avArrayTarget[$iUBoundTarget + $iUBoundSource]
  For $i = 0 To $iUBoundSource-1
    $avArrayTarget[$iUBoundTarget + $i] = $avArraySource[$i]
  Return 1
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayConcatenate()

; Function Name:   __ArrayDelete()
; Description:    Deletes the specified element from the given array.
; Syntax:         __ArrayDelete(ByRef $avArray, $iElement)
; Parameter(s):  $avArray  - Array to modify
;                $iElement - Element to delete
; Return Value(s):  Success - New size of the array
;                   Failure - 0, sets @error to:
;                    |1 - $avArray is not an array
;                    |3 - $avArray has too many dimensions (only up to 2D supported)
;                    |(2 - Deprecated error code)
; Author(s):        Cephas <cephas at clergy dot net>
; Modifications:  Jos van der Zande <jdeb at autoitscript dot com> - array passed ByRef, Ultima - 2D arrays supported, reworked function (no longer needs temporary array; faster when deleting from end)
; Notes: If the array has one element left (or one row for 2D arrays), it will be set to "" after _ArrayDelete() is used on it.

Func __ArrayDelete(ByRef $avArray, $iElement)
  If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  Local $iUBound = UBound($avArray, 1) - 1
  If Not $iUBound Then
    $avArray = ""
    Return 0
  ; Bounds checking
  If $iElement < 0 Then $iElement = 0
  If $iElement > $iUBound Then $iElement = $iUBound
  ; Move items after $iElement up by 1
  Switch UBound($avArray, 0)
    Case 1
      For $i = $iElement To $iUBound - 1
        $avArray[$i] = $avArray[$i + 1]
      ReDim $avArray[$iUBound]
    Case 2
      Local $iSubMax = UBound($avArray, 2) - 1
      For $i = $iElement To $iUBound - 1
        For $j = 0 To $iSubMax
          $avArray[$i][$j] = $avArray[$i + 1][$j]
      ReDim $avArray[$iUBound][$iSubMax + 1]
    Case Else
      Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
  Return $iUBound
EndFunc   ;<===>__ArrayDelete()

; Function Name:    __ArrayFindAll()
; Description:      Uses __ArraySearch() to find all ocurrences of a search query
;                                        between two points in an array.
; Syntax:           __ArrayFindAll($iArray, $iQuery[, $iStart = 0[,  $iEnd = 0[, $iCase = 0[, $iPartial = False]]]])
; Parameter(s):     $iArray - the array to search
;                   $iQuery - the search string
;                   $iStart - the element where the search should start. Usually 0 or 1
;                   $iEnd - the element where the search should stop searching.
;                   $iCase - 1 = case sensitive, 0 = not case sensitive. (default)
;                   $iPartialSearch - True = query must match the whole element.
;                                   - False = Match any portion of the element (default)
; Requirements:      #include <array.au3> and <file.au3>
; Return Value(s):  Success - Returns an array of the element numbers containing the search string
;                   Failure - Sets @Error to 1 and returns the no results message.
; Author(s):        George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications:
; Notes:            If any of the optional parameters are used then the preceeding parameters must also be used
; Example(s):

Func __ArrayFindAll($iArray, $iQuery, $iStart = 0,  $iEnd = 0, $iCase = 0, $iPartial = False)
  Local $Rtn = ''
  If $iEnd = 0 Then $iEnd = Ubound($iArray)-1
  If $iStart = 0 Then $iStart = __ArrayGetBase($iArray)
  While 1
    $aSrch = __ArraySearch($iArray, $iQuery, $iStart,  $iEnd, $iCase, $iPartial)
    If $aSrch <> -1 Then
      $Rtn &= $aSrch & '|'
      $iStart = $aSrch + 1
      If $iStart > $iEnd Then ExitLoop
  If $Rtn <> '' Then
    $Rtn = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($Rtn, 1), '|')
    Return $Rtn
    Return SetError(1, 1, 'No matches to your query were found')
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayFindAll()

; Function Name:    __ArrayGetBase()
; Description:      Return the base element of an array (Usually 1 or 0)
; Syntax:           __ArrayGetBase($hArray)
; Parameter(s):     $hArray - The array to check
; Requirements:      None
; Return Value(s):  If element 0 contains the number of elements in the array then returns 1, else returns 0
; Author(s):        George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications:
; Notes:            This is primarily for use with functions like
;                    __ArraySort() or __ArrayReverse() where you do not want to
;                   perform an operation on the element holding the number of elements.

Func __ArrayGetBase($hArray)
  If $hArray[0] == Ubound($hArray)-1 Then Return 1
  Return 0
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayGetBase()

; Function Name:    __ArrayReplace()
; Description:      Replace a text string in elements of an array so we don't have to check the element at run time.
; Syntax:           __ArrayReplace(byRef $hArray, $iQuery, $iReplace[, $nElement[, $iCount[, $iCase]]])
; Parameter(s):     $hArray - The array to modify
;                   $iQuery - the string to be replaced
;                   $iReplace - the replacement string
;                   $nElement - the number of elements to be checked 0 = all (default)
;                   $iCount - occurences to be replaced in each element 0 = all (default)  **
;                   $iCase - 1 = Case sensitive, 0 = Case insensitive (default)  **
; Requirements:      None
; Return Value(s):  Returns the modified array
; Author(s):        George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications:
; Notes:            **See the Remarks for StringReplace() in the AutoIt help file.

Func __ArrayReplace(byRef $hArray, $iQuery, $iReplace, $nElement = 0, $iCount = 0, $iCase = 0)
  Local $I
  If $nElement = 0 Then $nElement = Ubound($hArray) -1
  For $I = __ArrayGetBase($hArray) To $nElement
    $hArray[$I] = StringReplace($hArray[$I],$iQuery, $iReplace, $iCount, $iCase)
  Return $hArray
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayReplace()

; Function Name:    __ArrayReverse()
; Description:      Reverses the order in which the elements appear in the array.
; Parameter(s):     $avArray - Array to modify
;                   $iStart - [optional] Index of array to start modifying at
;                   $iEnd - [optional] Index of array to stop modifying at
; Return Value(s):  Success - Returns 1
;                            Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error to 1
; Requirements:      None.
; Author(s):        Brian Keene [brian_keene at yahoo dot com]
; Modifications:    Jos van der Zande - Added $iStart parameter and logic
;                   Tylo - Added $iEnd parameter and rewrote it for speed
;                   Ultima - Code cleanup, minor optimization

Func __ArrayReverse(ByRef $avArray, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = -1)
  If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  Local $vTmp, $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1
  ; Bounds checking
  If $iEnd < $iStart Or $iEnd > $iUBound Then $iEnd = $iUBound
  If $iStart < 0 Or $iStart > $iEnd Then $iStart = 0
  ; Reverse
  For $i = $iStart To Int(($iStart + $iEnd - 1)/2)
    $vTmp = $avArray[$i]
    $avArray[$i] = $avArray[$iEnd]
    $avArray[$iEnd] = $vTmp
    $iEnd -= 1
  Return 1
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayReverse()

; Function Name:    __ArraySearch()
; Description:      Finds an entry within a one-dimensional array.
;                   (Similar to __ArrayBinarySearch() except the array does not need to be sorted.)
; Syntax:           __ArraySearch($avArray, $iFind, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0,$iCase=0, $iPartial = False, $iForward = 0)
; Parameter(s): $avArray           = The array to search
;               $iFind = What to search $avArray for
;               $iStart (Optional) = Start array index for search, normally set to 0 or 1. If omitted it is set to 0
;               $iEnd (Optional) = End array index for search. If omitted or set to 0 it is set to Ubound($AvArray)-1
;               $iCase (Optional) = If set to 1 then search is case sensitive
;               $iPartial (Optional) = If set to True then executes a partial search. If omitted it is set to False
;               $iForward (Optional) = If set to 1 then searches backward through the array
;                                      If set to 0 then searches forward (default)
; Requirements:      None
; Return Value(s):  Success - Returns the position of an item in an array.
;                   Failure - Returns an -1 if $iFind is not found and sets @Error
;                             @Error=1 $avArray is not an array
;                             @Error=2 $iStart is greater than UBound($AvArray)-1
;                             @Error=3 $iEnd is greater than UBound($AvArray)-1
;                             @Error=4 $iStart is greater than $iEnd
;                             @Error=6 $iFind was not found in $avArray
; Author(s):        SolidSnake [MetalGX91 at GMail dot com]" - updated by gcriaco [gcriaco at gmail dot com]
; Modifications:    Directional search added (GEOSoft)
; Notes:            This might be slower than __ArrayBinarySearch() but is useful when the array's order can't be altered.

Func __ArraySearch(Const ByRef $avArray, $iFind, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0, $iCase = 0, $iPartial = False, $iForward = 0)
  Local $iCurrentPos, $iUBound, $iResult, $iStep = 1, $iBegin, $iStop
  If $iCase <> 1 Then $iCase = 0
  If $iForward <> 1 Then $iForward = 0
  If Not IsArray($avArray) Then
    Return -1
  $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1
  If $iEnd = 0 Then $iEnd = $iUBound
  If $iStart > $iUBound Then
    Return -1
  If $iEnd > $iUBound Then
    Return -1
  If $iStart > $iEnd Then
    Return -1
  If $iForward = 1 Then
    $iBegin = $iEnd
    $iStop = $iStart
    If $iStop = $iUbound Then $iStop = Ubound($avArray) - $iUbound
    $iStep = -1
    $iBegin = $iStart
    $iStop = $iEnd
    $iStep = 1
  For $iCurrentPos = $iBegin To $iStop Step $iStep
      Case $iCase = 0
        If $iPartial = False Then
          If $avArray[$iCurrentPos] = $iFind Then
            Return $iCurrentPos
          $iResult = StringInStr($avArray[$iCurrentPos], $iFind, $iCase)
          If $iResult > 0 Then
            Return $iCurrentPos
      Case $iCase = 1
        If $iPartial = False Then
          If $avArray[$iCurrentPos] == $iFind Then
            Return $iCurrentPos
          $iResult = StringInStr($avArray[$iCurrentPos], $iFind, $iCase)
          If $iResult > 0 Then
            Return $iCurrentPos
  Return -1
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArraySearch()

; Function Name:   __ArrayToString
; Description:    Places the elements of an array into a single string, separated
;                  by the specified delimiter.
; Syntax:        __ArrayToString(Const ByRef $avArray[, $sDelim = "|"[, $iStart = 0[, $iEnd = 0]]])
; Parameter(s):  $avArray - Array to combine
;                $sDelim  - [optional] Delimiter for combined string
;                $iStart  - [optional] Index of array to start combining at
;                $iEnd    - [optional] Index of array to stop combining at
; Return Value(s):  Success - 1
;                   Failure - "", sets @error:
;                     [1 - $avArray is not an array
;                     [2 - $iStart is greater than $iEnd
; Author(s):        Brian Keene <brian_keene at yahoo dot com>, Valik - rewritten
; Modifications:  Ultima - code cleanup
; Notes:

Func __ArrayToString(Const ByRef $avArray, $sDelim = "|", $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0)
  If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
  Local $sResult, $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1
  ; Bounds checking
  If $iEnd < 1 Or $iEnd > $iUBound Then $iEnd = $iUBound
  If $iStart < 0 Then $iStart = 0
  If $iStart > $iEnd Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
  ; Combine
  For $i = $iStart To $iEnd
    $sResult &= $avArray[$i] & $sDelim
  Return StringTrimRight($sResult, StringLen($sDelim))
EndFunc   ;<===>__ArrayToString

; Function Name:    __ArrayUnique()
; Description:      Returns an array of unique values in an array.
; Syntax:           __ArrayUnique(ByRef $aArray, $vDelim = '', $iBase = 1, $iCase = 1)
; Parameter(s):     $aArray - The array to check
;                   $vDelim - The delimiter to use in the returned string
;                   $iBase - The element to start the search
;                   $iCase - If set to 0 (default) then search is case insensitive
; Requirements:      None
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Returns an array of unique elements only
;                   On Failure - Sets @Error to 1 and returns 0
; Author(s):        SmOke_N, modified by GEOSoft
; Modifications:    Returns a separate array instead of modifying the origional
; Notes:            None

Func __ArrayUnique($aArray, $vDelim = '', $iBase = 1, $iCase = 0)
  Local $I, $oArray
  If $iCase <> 1 Then $iCase = 0
  If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  If $vDelim = '' Then $vDelim = Chr(01)
  Local $sHold = ''
  For $I = $iBase To UBound($aArray) - 1
    If Not StringInStr($vDelim & $sHold, $vDelim & $aArray[$I] & $vDelim, $iCase) Then _
        $sHold &= $aArray[$I] & $vDelim
  If $sHold Then
    $oArray = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sHold, StringLen($vDelim)), $vDelim)
    Return $oArray
  Return $aArray
EndFunc    ;<===> __ArrayUnique()

; Function Name:    _ArraySortClib() v4
; Description:         Sort 1D/2D array using qsort() from C runtime library
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s):      $Array - the array to be sorted, ByRef
;                    $iMode - sort mode, can be one of the following:
;                        0 = numerical, using double precision float compare
;                        1 = string sort, case insensitive (default)
;                        2 = string sort, case sensitive
;                        3 = word sort, case insensitive - compatible with AutoIt's native compare
;                    $fDescend - sort direction. True = descending, False = ascending (default)
;                    $iStart - index of starting element (default 0 = $array[0])
;                    $iEnd - index of ending element (default 0 = Ubound($array)-1)
;                    $iColumn - index of column to sort by (default 0 = first column)
;                    $iStrMax - max string length of each array element to compare (default 4095 chars)
; Requirement(s):    msvcrt.dll (shipped with Windows since Win98 at least), 32-bit version of AutoIt
; Return Value(s):    Success = Returns 1
;                    Failure = Returns 0 and sets error:
;                        @error 1 = invalid array
;                        @error 2 = invalid param
;                        @error 3 = dll error
;                        @error 64 = 64-bit AutoIt unsupported
; Author(s):   Siao
; Modification(s):

Func _ArraySortClib(ByRef $Array, $iMode = 1, $fDescend = False, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0, $iColumn = 0, $iStrMax = 4095)
  If @AutoItX64 Then Return SetError(64, 0, 0)
  Local $iArrayDims = UBound($Array, 0)
  If @error Or $iArrayDims > 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  Local $iArraySize = UBound($Array, 1), $iColumnMax = UBound($Array, 2)
  If $iArraySize < 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  If $iEnd < 1 Or $iEnd > $iArraySize - 1 Then $iEnd = $iArraySize - 1
  If ($iEnd - $iStart < 2) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
  If $iArrayDims = 2 And ($iColumnMax - $iColumn < 0) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
  If $iStrMax < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
  Local $i, $j, $iCount = $iEnd - $iStart + 1, $fNumeric, $aRet, $sZero = ChrW(0), $sStrCmp, $sBufType = 'byte[', $hDll = DllOpen('msvcrt.dll'), $tSource, $tIndex, $tFloatCmp, $tCmpWrap = DllStructCreate('byte[64]'), $tEnumProc = DllStructCreate('byte[64]')
  If $hDll = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
  ;; initialize compare proc
  Switch $iMode
    Case 0
      $fNumeric = True
      $tFloatCmp = DllStructCreate('byte[36]')
      DllStructSetData($tFloatCmp, 1, '0x8B4C24048B542408DD01DC1ADFE0F6C440750D80E441740433C048C333C040C333C0C3')
      DllStructSetData($tCmpWrap, 1, '0xBA' & Hex(Binary(DllStructGetPtr($tFloatCmp)), 8) & '8B4424088B4C2404FF30FF31FFD283C408C3')
      DllStructSetData($tEnumProc, 1, '0x8B7424048B7C24088B4C240C8B442410893789470483C60883C708404975F1C21000')
    Case 1,2
      $sStrCmp = "_strcmpi" ;case insensitive
      If $iMode = 2 Then $sStrCmp = "strcmp" ;case sensitive
      $aRet = DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr','GetModuleHandle', 'str','msvcrt.dll')
      $aRet = DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr','GetProcAddress', 'ptr',$aRet[0], 'str',$sStrCmp)
      If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0*DllClose($hDll))
      DllStructSetData($tCmpWrap, 1, '0xBA' & Hex(Binary($aRet[0]), 8) & '8B4424088B4C2404FF30FF31FFD283C408C3')
      DllStructSetData($tEnumProc, 1, '0x8B7424048B7C24088B4C240C8B542410893789570483C7088A064684C075F9424975EDC21000')
    Case 3
      $sBufType = 'wchar['
      $aRet = DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr','GetModuleHandle', 'str','kernel32.dll')
      $aRet = DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr','GetProcAddress', 'ptr',$aRet[0], 'str','CompareStringW')
      If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0*DllClose($hDll))
      DllStructSetData($tCmpWrap, 1, '0xBA' & Hex(Binary($aRet[0]), 8) & '8B4424088B4C24046AFFFF306AFFFF3168010000006800040000FFD283E802C3')
      DllStructSetData($tEnumProc, 1, '0x8B7424048B7C24088B4C240C8B542410893789570483C7080FB70683C60285C075F6424975EAC21000')
    Case Else
      Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
  ;; write data to memory
  If $fNumeric Then
    $tSource = DllStructCreate('double[' & $iCount & ']')
    If $iArrayDims = 1 Then
      For $i = 1 To $iCount
        DllStructSetData($tSource, 1, $Array[$iStart + $i - 1], $i)
      For $i = 1 To $iCount
        DllStructSetData($tSource, 1, $Array[$iStart + $i - 1][$iColumn], $i)
    Local $sMem = ""
    If $iArrayDims = 1 Then
      For $i = $iStart To $iEnd
        $sMem &= StringLeft($Array[$i],$iStrMax) & $sZero
      For $i = $iStart To $iEnd
        $sMem &= StringLeft($Array[$i][$iColumn],$iStrMax) & $sZero
    $tSource = DllStructCreate($sBufType & StringLen($sMem) + 1 & ']')
    DllStructSetData($tSource, 1, $sMem)
    $sMem = ""
  ;; index data
  $tIndex = DllStructCreate('int[' & $iCount * 2 & ']')
  DllCall('user32.dll','uint','CallWindowProc', 'ptr',DllStructGetPtr($tEnumProc), 'ptr',DllStructGetPtr($tSource), 'ptr',DllStructGetPtr($tIndex), 'int',$iCount, 'int',$iStart)
  ;; sort
  DllCall($hDll,'none:cdecl','qsort', 'ptr',DllStructGetPtr($tIndex), 'int',$iCount, 'int',8, 'ptr',DllStructGetPtr($tCmpWrap))
  ;; rearrange the array by sorted index
  Local $aTmp = $Array, $iRef
  If $iArrayDims = 1 Then ; 1D
    If $fDescend Then
      For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1
        $iRef = DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $i * 2 + 2)
        $Array[$iEnd - $i] = $aTmp[$iRef]
    Else ; ascending
      For $i = $iStart To $iEnd
        $iRef = DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, ($i - $iStart) * 2 + 2)
        $Array[$i] = $aTmp[$iRef]
  Else ; 2D
    If $fDescend Then
      For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1
        $iRef = DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $i * 2 + 2)
        For $j = 0 To $iColumnMax - 1
          $Array[$iEnd - $i][$j] = $aTmp[$iRef][$j]
    Else ; ascending
      For $i = $iStart To $iEnd
        $iRef = DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, ($i - $iStart) * 2 + 2)
        For $j = 0 To $iColumnMax - 1
          $Array[$i][$j] = $aTmp[$iRef][$j]
  Return 1
EndFunc   ;<==> _ArraySortClib()