Last modified: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
; Function List
; __File_RemoveEmptyLines()
; __FileReadToArray()
; __FileWriteFromArray()
; _File_Compare()
; _File_CompareDate()
; _File_Compare_MD5()
; _File_CompareVersion()
; _File_CountLines()
; _File_CountLines2()
; _File_Ext_PropertiesGet()
; _File_GetDate()
; _File_GetOwner()
; _File_MoveByDate()
; _File_ReadFromLine()
; _File_SetOwner()
Global $_MD5CodeBuffer
; Function Name: __File_Read2Array()
; Description: Another version of __FileReadToArray() which will also
; accept string blocks
; Syntax: __File_Read2Array("File path | string block")
; Parameter(s): $sStr = File path or text block to read to the array
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): 0 based array
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye, Smoke_N
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): This can also be used to read the clipboard or any string to an array
; Example(s): $aArray = __File_Read2Array("c:\windows\setuplog.txt")
; $aArray = __File_Read2Array(ClipGet())
Func __File_Read2Array($sStr)
If FileExists($sStr) Then $sStr = FileRead($sStr)
$avArray = StringRegExp($sStr, "(?s)(.+?)(?m:$|\r\n)|(.+?)(?m:$|\r)|(.+?)(?m:$|\n)", 3)
If NOT IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return $avArray
EndFunc ;==>__File_Read2Array
; Function Name: __File_RemoveEmptyLines()
; Description: Removes Blank lines from a file
; Syntax: __File_RemoveEmptyLines($sFile[,starting point[, All|double ]])
; Parameter(s): $sFile - Full path and filename of the file
; $iStart - line to start stripping empty lines -default is first line
; $all - 0 (default) remove only extra consecutive blank lines
; - 1 Remove all blank lines
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the corrected file
; On Failure - Sets @Error to
; - 1 if unable to create the array
; - 2 file write operation failed
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications: Added $all to remove all or extra blanks
; Added $iStart - position to start removing empty lines
; Note(s):
Func __File_RemoveEmptyLines($sFile, $iStart = 1, $All = 0)
Local $aArray = __FileReadToArray($sFile), $I, $sOut = "", $hFile, $fo
If NOT IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1)
If $iStart > 1 Then
FOR $I = 1 To $iStart
$sOut &= $aArray[$I] & @CRLF
FOR $I = $iStart To UBound($aArray) - 1
If $All <> 0 Then
If StringStripWS($aArray[$I], 8) = "" Then ContinueLoop
If StringStripWS($aArray[$I], 8) = "" AND StringStripWS($aArray[$I - 1], 8) = "" Then _
$sOut &= $aArray[$I] & @CRLF
FileCopy($sFile, $sFile & ".bak", 1);; for safety
$hFile = FileOpen($sFile, 2)
$fo = FileWrite($hFile, StringStripWS($sOut, 2))
If $fo = 0 Then ;; Something went wrong so restore the file
FileCopy($sFile & ".bak", $sFile, 1)
FileDelete($sFile & ".bak")
EndFunc ;==>__File_RemoveEmptyLines
; Function Name: __FileReadToArray()
; Description: Reads a text file and returns an array where each element contains a line of text
; Syntax: _FileReadToArray($sFilePath)
; Parameter(s): $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to be read
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an array of the text file
; On Failure - Sets @Error to 1 and returns 0
; Author(s): Jonathan Bennett [jon at hiddensoft dot com]
; Modifications: GEOSoft 08/01/07 - Removed the $aArray Parameter so it doesnt need to be pre-declared
; Now just call it with $myArray = _FileReadToArray($File)
; 05/15/08 - Now will split on @CR if @LF not found, as in many html pages.
; Note(s): None
Func __FileReadToArray($sFilePath)
Local $hFile
$hFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 0)
If $hFile = -1 Then ;; unable to open the file
Return 0
$aFile = FileRead($hFile, FileGetSize($sFilePath));; Read the file and remove trailing white spaces
$aFile = StringStripWS($aFile, 2)
If StringInStr($aFile, @LF) Then
$aArray = StringSplit(StringStripCR($aFile), @LF)
ElseIf StringInStr($aFile, @CR) Then ;; @LF does not exist so split on the @CR
$aArray = StringSplit($aFile, @CR)
Else ;; unable to split the file
Return 0
Return $aArray
EndFunc ;==>__FileReadToArray
; Function Name: __FileWriteFromArray
; Description: Writes Array records to the specified file.
; Syntax: __FileWriteFromArray($File, $a_Array[, $i_Base = 0[, $i_UBound = 0[, $rEmpty = 0]]])
; Parameter(s): $File - String path of the file to write to, or a file handle returned from FileOpen().
; $a_Array - The array to be written to the file.
; $i_Base - Optional: Start Array index to read, normally set to 0 or 1. Default=0
; $i_Ubound - Optional: Set to the last record you want to write to the File. default=0 - whole array.
; $rEmpty - Optional: Remove blank lines. (default = 0 - No)
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns a 1
; Failure - Returns a 0
; @Error - 0 = No error.
; |1 = Error opening specified file
; |2 = Input is not an Array
; |3 = Error writing to file
; Author(s): Jos van der Zande <jdeb at autoitscript dot com>
; Modifications: Updated for file handles by PsaltyDS at the AutoIt forums.
; Added ability to skip empty elements when reading from the array. - by GEOSoft.
; Note(s): If a string path is provided, the file is overwritten and closed.
; To use other write modes, like append or Unicode formats, open the file with FileOpen() first
; and pass the file handle instead.
; If a file handle is passed, the file will still be open after writing.
Func __FileWriteFromArray($File, $a_Array, $i_Base = 0, $i_UBound = 0, $rEmpty = 0)
; Check if we have a valid array as input
If NOT IsArray($a_Array) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
If $rEmpty < 0 Then $rEmpty = 0
; determine last entry
Local $last = UBound($a_Array) - 1
If $i_UBound < 1 OR $i_UBound > $last Then $i_UBound = $last
If $i_Base < 0 OR $i_Base > $last Then $i_Base = 0
; Open output file for overwrite by default, or use input file handle if passed
Local $hFile
If IsString($File) Then
$hFile = FileOpen($File, 2)
$hFile = $File
If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
; Write array data to file
Local $ErrorSav = 0
FOR $x = $i_Base To $i_UBound
; skip empty elements (blank lines) if $rEmpty is not 0
;; Remove empty lines if $rEmpty is not 0
If $rEmpty AND StringStripWS($a_Array[$x], 8) = "" Then ContinueLoop
If FileWrite($hFile, $a_Array[$x] & @CRLF) = 0 Then
$ErrorSav = 3
; Close file only if specified by a string path
If IsString($File) Then FileClose($hFile)
; Return results
If $ErrorSav Then
Return SetError($ErrorSav, 0, 0)
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>__FileWriteFromArray
; Function Name: _File_Compare()
; Description: Performs a string comparison of 2 files
; Syntax: _File_Compare($sFile_1, $sFile_2, $iWSpace = 0)
; Parameter(s): $sFile_1 - full path and name of the first file
; $sFile_2 - full path and name of the second file
; $iWSpace - 0 (default) = do not ignore whitespaces
; - anything except 0 = ignore whitespaces
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success = True if the files are identical
; False if they are different
; Failure - Returns -1 and sets @Error to 1 (invalid file names)
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications: Now allows you to ignor whitespace differences
; Notes: The time required to compare depends on the file size and your system
Func _File_Compare($sFile_1, $sFile_2, $iWSpace = 0)
If FileExists($sFile_1) AND FileExists($sFile_2) Then ;; Make sure they are valid file paths
If $iWSpace = 0 Then
Return FileRead($sFile_1) = FileRead($sFile_2)
Return StringStripWS(FileRead($sFile_1), 8) = StringStripWS(FileRead($sFile_2), 8)
Else ;; one of the files does not exist
Return -1
EndFunc ;==>_File_Compare
; Function Name: _File_CompareDate()
; Description: Performs a comparison of 2 file dates
; Syntax: _File_Compare($s_Vers1, $s_Vers2)
; Parameter(s): $cFile_1 - full path and name of the first file
; $cFile_2 - full path and name of the second file
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success = Returns an array where array[0] = newest file and array[1] = oldest file
; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @Error to 1 (invalid file names)
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications:
; Notes:
Func _File_CompareDate($cFile_1, $cFile_2)
Local $rVal
If FileExists($cFile_1) AND FileExists($cFile_2) Then ;; Make sure they are valid file paths
$dVal_1 = StringTrimRight(FileGetTime($cFile_1, 0, 1), 2) ;; ignore seconds
$dVal_2 = StringTrimRight(FileGetTime($cFile_2, 0, 1), 2)
If $dVal_1 - $dVal_2 <= 0 Then
$nFile = $cFile_2
$oFile = $cFile_1
$nFile = $cFile_1
$oFile = $cFile_2
Dim $rtn[2] = [$nFile, $oFile]
Return $rtn
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_File_CompareDate
; Function Name: _File_Compare_MD5()
; Description: Performs a string comparison of 2 files
; Syntax: _File_Compare($sFile_1, $sFile_2, $iWSpace = 0)
; Parameter(s): $sFile_1 - full path and name of the first file
; $sFile_2 - full path and name of the second file
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success = True if the files are identical
; False if they are different
; Failure - Returns -1 and sets @Error to 1 (invalid file names)
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications: Now allows you to ignor whitespace differences
; Notes: The time required to compare depends on the file size and your system
Func _File_Compare_MD5($sFile_1, $sFile_2)
Local $BufferSize = 0x20000
Global $_MD5CodeBuffer
If (NOT FileExists($sFile_1)) OR (NOT FileExists($sFile_2)) Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0)
$sFile = $sFile_1
$MD5CTX = _MD5Init()
$hFile = FileOpen($sFile, 16)
FOR $I = 1 To Ceiling(FileGetSize($sFile) / $BufferSize)
_MD5Input($MD5CTX, FileRead($hFile, $BufferSize))
$Hash_1 = _MD5Result($MD5CTX)
$sFile = $sFile_2
$MD5CTX = _MD5Init()
$hFile = FileOpen($sFile, 16)
FOR $I = 1 To Ceiling(FileGetSize($sFile) / $BufferSize)
_MD5Input($MD5CTX, FileRead($hFile, $BufferSize))
$Hash_2 = _MD5Result($MD5CTX)
Return $Hash_1 = $Hash_2
EndFunc ;==>_File_Compare_MD5
; Function Name: _File_CompareVersion()
; Description: Performs an integer comparison of the versions of 2 files
; Syntax: _File_CompareVersion($s_Vers1, $s_Vers2)
; Parameter(s): $iFile_1 - full path and name of the first file
; $iFile_2 - full path and name of the second file
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success = 1 if $iFile_1 is higher , 2 if $iFile_2 is higher, 0 if they are the same
; Failure - Returns -1 and sets @Error to
; [1 - if blank values were given for $fVer_1 or $fVer_2
; [2 - if the given values were not numeric
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications:
; Notes: None
Func _File_CompareVersion($iFile_1, $iFile_2)
Local $v_Rtn
If $iFile_1 = "" OR $iFile_1 = "" Then ;; blank values are not accepted
Return -1
$fVer_1 = StringReplace(FileGetVersion($iFile_1), ",", ".")
$fVer_2 = StringReplace(FileGetVersion($iFile_2), ",", ".")
$fVer_1 = Number(StringReplace(FileGetVersion($iFile_1), ".", ""))
$fVer_2 = Number(StringReplace(FileGetVersion($iFile_2), ".", ""))
If StringLen($fVer_1) <> StringLen($fVer_2) Then
If StringLen($fVer_1) < StringLen($fVer_2) Then ;; make sure we compare apples with apples
$fVer_1 *= 10
Until StringLen($fVer_1) = StringLen($fVer_2)
$fVer_2 *= 10
Until StringLen($fVer_1) = StringLen($fVer_2)
If IsNumber($fVer_1) AND IsNumber($fVer_2) Then
If $fVer_1 > $fVer_2 Then
$v_Rtn = 1
ElseIf $fVer_1 < $fVer_2 Then
$v_Rtn = 2
$v_Rtn = 0
Return $v_Rtn
Return -1
EndFunc ;==>_File_CompareVersion
; Function Name: _File_CountLines()
; Description: Count the number of lines in a file or string of text
; Syntax: _File_CountLines("full path and file name" OR "text block" to count)
; Parameter(s): $sFile - A block of text or a fully qualified file path
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success - Line count
; - Failure -None
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
Func _File_CountLines($sFile)
If FileExists($sFile) Then $sFile = FileRead($sFile)
StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "\v{1,2}|$", "")
Return @Extended
EndFunc ;==>_File_CountLines
; Function Name: _File_CountLines2()
; Description: Count the number of lines in a file (fast)
; Syntax: _File_CountLines("full path and file name")
; Parameter(s): $sFile - A fully qualified file path
; $iSkipEmpty - If 0 (default) or -1 or False or Default Then empty lines
; are counted otherwise empty lines are skipped.
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success - Line count
; - Failure - Sets @Error to 1 if unable to read the file
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\lines.txt")
Local $String = ""
FOR $I = 1 To 10000
$String &= "Line " & $I & @CRLF
FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\lines.txt", StringStripWS($String, 2))
$sFile = @ScriptDir & "\lines.txt"
$StartTime = TimerInit()
$iLines = _File_CountLines2($sFile, 1)
If NOT @Error Then
MsgBox(0, "Result", $iLines & " Lines" & @CRLF & @CRLF & Round(TimerDiff($StartTime) / 1000, 3) & " Seconds")
MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was a problem reading the file" & @CRLF & $sFile)
Func _File_CountLines2($s_File, $iSkipEmpty = 0)
Local $sStr = FileRead($s_File)
If NOT @Extended Then Return SetError(1)
Local $sVSpace = "\v{1,2}"
If NOT StringRegExp($iSkipEmpty, "(?i)-1|default|0|false") Then $sVSpace = "\v+"
StringRegExpReplace($sStr, $sVSpace & "|$", @CRLF)
Return @Extended
EndFunc ;==>_File_CountLines2
; Function Name: _File_Ext_PropertiesGet()
; Description: Get the extended properties information of a document, image,
; audio or video file
; Syntax: _File_Ext_PropertiesGet("Full path and file name", "detail" [, $wName])
; Parameter(s): $sFile - The full path and file name to check
; $sDetail - The required extended property (See Notes)
; $wName - If not = 0 then the name of the extended property will
; be returned in front of the actual value in the form of
; "Property : " and then the value of the property
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns the extended file property
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - The extended property requested is unknown (check spelling)
; [2 - The property requested is not available for the file. Example, trying to check
; "Dimensions" of a text document or "Duration" of an image.
; [3 - Invalid file path/name
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes: Valid properties are;
; Name, Size, Type, Status, Owner, Author, Title, Subject,
; Category, Pages, Comments, Copyright,
; Artist, Album Title, Year, Track Number, Genre, Duration,
; Bit Rate, Protected, Camera, Date Taken,
; Dimensions, Episode, Company, Description, File Version,
; Sample Size, Sample Rate,
; Product Name, Product Version, Audio Channels, All
; I have left some out that are easier to get using standard
; AutoIt functions, e.g. FileGetAttrib()
; If "All" is used then an @CRLF delimited list of all the available
; properties (including the property name) is returned.
; Modifications: Added a check to see if the file is actaully just a link.
; Changed the file path method
; Fixed the return for "All". Now returns only available properties
Func _File_Ext_PropertiesGet($sFile, $sDetail, $wName = 0)
If NOT FileExists($sFile) Then
If FileExists(FileGetShortName($sFile & ".lnk")) Then
$sc = FileGetShortcut($sFile)
$sFile = $sc[0]
Return SetError(3, 3, "The file " & FileGetLongName($sFile) & " does not exist")
$sFile = StringSplit($sFile, "\")
Local $fName = $sFile[$sFile[0]], $Path = "", $All, $Dtl, $rtn = "", $I
FOR $I = 1 To $sFile[0] - 1
$Path &= $sFile[$I] & "\"
$objShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application")
Local $objFolder = $objShell.Namespace(StringTrimRight($Path, 1))
Switch $sDetail
Case "Name"
$Dtl = 0
Case "Size"
$Dtl = 1
Case "Type"
$Dtl = 2
Case "Status"
$Dtl = 7
Case "Owner"
$Dtl = 8
Case "Author"
$Dtl = 9
Case "Title"
$Dtl = 10
Case "Subject"
$Dtl = 11
Case "Category"
$Dtl = 12
Case "Pages"
$Dtl = 13
Case "Comments"
$Dtl = 14
Case "Copyright"
$Dtl = 15
Case "Artist"
$Dtl = 16
Case "Album Title"
$Dtl = 17
Case "Year"
$Dtl = 18
Case "Track Number"
$Dtl = 19
Case "Genre"
$Dtl = 20
Case "Duration"
$Dtl = 21
Case "Bit Rate"
$Dtl = 22
Case "Protected"
$Dtl = 23
Case "Camera"
$Dtl = 24
Case "Date Taken"
$Dtl = 25
Case "Dimensions"
$Dtl = 26
Case "Episode"
$Dtl = 29
Case "Company"
$Dtl = 30
Case "Description"
$Dtl = 30
Case "File Version", "Sample Size"
$Dtl = 32
Case "Product Name", "Sample Rate"
$Dtl = 33
Case "Product Version", "Audio Channels"
$Dtl = 34
Case "All"
$All = StringSplit("0,1,2,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,29,30,32,33,34", ",")
Case Else
Return SetError(1, 1, "Unrecognized property")
If NOT IsArray($All) Then
FOR $Filename In $objFolder.Items
If $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($Filename, 0) = $fName Then
$rtn = $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($Filename, $Dtl)
If $rtn = "" Then Return SetError(2, 2, "Property " & $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($objFolder.Items, $Dtl) & " is unknown for this file")
If $wName <> 0 Then $rtn = $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($objFolder.Items, $Dtl) & " : " & $rtn
Return String($rtn)
FOR $Filename In $objFolder.Items
If $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($Filename, 0) = $fName Then
FOR $I = 1 To $All[0]
If $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($Filename, $All[$I]) = "" Then ContinueLoop
$rtn &= $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($objFolder.Items, $All[$I]) & " : " & $objFolder.GetDetailsOf($Filename, $All[$I]) & @CRLF
Return StringStripWS($rtn, 2)
EndFunc ;==>_File_Ext_PropertiesGet
; Function Name: _File_GetDate()
; Description: Reads a text file and returns an array where each element contains a line of text
; Syntax: _File_GetDate($sFilePath)
; Parameter(s): $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to check
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a formatted date string suitable for use with the _Date functions. e.g.
; 4 digit year/2 digit month/2 digit day (2008/04/17)
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modifications:
; Notes: None
Func _File_GetDate($sFilePath)
$sFilePath = FileGetShortName($sFilePath)
$fTime = FileGetTime($sFilePath, 1)
Return StringFormat("%04d/%02d/%02d", $fTime[0], $fTime[1], $fTime[2])
EndFunc ;==>_File_GetDate
; Function Name: _File_GetOwner()
; Description: Retrieve the ownership of a file
; Syntax: _File_GetOwner("FULL path and filename", "computer name")
; Parameter(s):
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns name or group of the file owner
; Failure - Returns 0 if file not found (@Error = 0)
; Sets @Error to 1 if
; unable to connect to the object
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): Also works on folders
; Example(s):
Func _File_GetOwner($sFile, $sComputer = "localhost")
Local $Obj, $Item, $Items, $rVal = ""
If StringRight($sFile, 1) = "\" Then $sFile = StringTrimRight($sFile, 1)
$sComputer = StringReplace($sComputer, "\", "")
$Obj = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
If IsObj($Obj) Then
$Items = $Obj.ExecQuery _
("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting='" & $sFile & "'}" & _
" WHERE AssocClass=Win32_LogicalFileOwner ResultRole=Owner")
FOR $Item In $Items
If $Item.ReferencedDomainName Then
$rVal = $Item.AccountName
Return $rVal
EndFunc ;==>_File_GetOwner
; Function Name: _File_MoveByDate()
; Description: Use to move or copy files by date created
; Syntax: _File_MoveByDate($sPath, $sNewPath[, $sPattern = "*"[, $iDate = -1[, $iDateFlag = 1[, $iMove = 1[, $iOverWrite = 1]]]]])
; Parameter(s): $sPath - the folder to search
; $sNewPath - The folder where the files should be moved/copied to
; $sPattern - File search pattern. Default is all
; $iDate (optional) - The date to start checking in the format YYYYMMDD. Default is current day
; $iDateFlag (optional)- see FileGetTime() for possible values, Default is 0 (Last Modified)
; $iMove (optional) - If not 1 then a copy operation will be performed instead of a move
; $iOverWrite (optional) - If 1 (default) then an existing file of the same name will be over-written
; $iNewer (optional) - If 1 (default) operation performed on files equal to or newer than $iDate
; else operation performed on files equal to or older than $iDate
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success - Returns the count of files copied or moved
; - Failure - Sets @Error to
; 1 - If no files match the pattern
; 2 - If the source folder path does not exist
; 3 - if unable to create the destination folder
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): Added $iNewer parameter (see parameters) 2009/04/04
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
$sFldr = @ScriptDir & "\"
$sFldr2 = @DeskTopDir & "\Test Folder\"
$iMoved = _File_MoveByDate($sFldr, $sFldr2)
If NOT @Error Then
MsgBox(0, "Finished", $iMoved & " files were moved or copied")
If $iMoved Then ShellExecute($sFldr2)
Func _File_MoveByDate($sPath, $sNewPath, $sPattern = "*", $iDate = -1, _
$iDateFlag = 0, $iMove = 1, $iOverWrite = 1, $iNewer = 1)
Local $sHold, $aCreated, $iCreated, $iCount = 0, $iValid
If StringRight($sPath, 1) <> "\" Then $sPath &= "\"
If NOT FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(2)
If StringRight($sNewPath, 1) <> "\" Then $sNewPath &= "\"
If $iDateFlag > 2 OR $iDateFlag < 0 Then $iDateFlag = 1
If NOT FileExists($sNewPath) Then
If NOT DirCreate($sNewPath) Then Return SetError(3)
If $iDate = -1 Then $iDate = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY
$sFile = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & $sPattern)
If NOT @Error Then
If NOT FileExists($sNewPath) Then DirCreate($sNewPath)
If $iOverWrite <> 1 Then $iOverWrite = 0
While 1
$iValid = False
$sHold = FileFindNextFile($sFile)
If @Error Then ExitLoop
If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & $sHold), "D") Then ContinueLoop
$aCreated = FileGetTime($sPath & $sHold, $iDateFlag)
$iCreated = $aCreated[0] & $aCreated[1] & $aCreated[2]
If $iNewer = 1 Then
If $iCreated >= $iDate Then $iValid = True
If $iCreated <= $iDate Then $iValid = True
If $iValid Then
If $iMove = 1 Then
If NOT FileMove($sPath & $sHold, $sNewPath & $sHold, $iOverWrite) Then
MsgBox(4096, "File Error", "Unable to Move The File " & $sHold, 5)
If NOT FileCopy($sPath & $sHold, $sNewPath & $sHold, $iOverWrite) Then
MsgBox(4096, "File Error", "Unable to Copy The File " & $sHold, 5)
$iCount += 1
Return SetError(1)
Return $iCount
EndFunc ;==>_File_MoveByDate
; Function Name: _File_ReadFromLine()
; Description: _File_ReadFromLine($sStr, $iLine)
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $sStr = a string or the full path to a file to be read
; $iLine = Line to begin reading from
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success The contents starting at the specified line number
; - Failure
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): Thanks To SmOke_N for his help on the RegExp
; Example(s):
$String = _File_ReadFromLine("C:\somefile.txt", 8); Will start reading from Line 8
Func _File_ReadFromLine($sStr, $iLine)
If $sStr = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
If FileExists($sStr) Then $sStr = FileRead($sStr)
$iLine = Int($iLine)
If $iLine <= 1 Then Return $sStr
Local $sRegEx = "(?s)^(.*?(?:\r\n|\r|\n)){" & $iLine & "}(.+?)\z"
Local $aRegEx = StringRegExp($sStr, $sRegEx, 1)
If @Error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
Return $aRegEx[1]
EndFunc ;==>_File_ReadFromLine
; Function Name: _File_SetOwner()
; Description: Set the ownership of a file or folder to the current user
; Syntax: _File_SetOwner("path & filename" [, "Computer name"[, require admin)
; Parameter(s): $sFile
; $Computer - (optional) name of the computer to run against
; $rAdmin - (optional) if 1 then Requires Administrator privledges.
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): Success - returns 0
; Failure - returns 1 and sets @Error to 2
; - Sets @Error to 1 if $rAdmin = 1 and user is not an admin
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): If run against a folder then ownership of the files inside will also change
; Example(s):
Func _File_SetOwner($sFile, $Computer = "localhost", $rAdmin = 1)
If $rAdmin > 1 OR $rAdmin < 0 Then $rAdmin = 1
If $rAdmin = 1 AND IsAdmin() = 0 Then Return SetError(1)
$Computer = StringReplace($Computer, "\", "")
$Obj = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $Computer & "\root\cimv2")
If IsObj($Obj) Then
$oFile = $Obj.Get("CIM_DataFile.Name='" & $sFile & "'")
$Result = Int($oFile.TakeOwnership)
Return $Result
Return SetError(2)
EndFunc ;==>_File_SetOwner
;** Private Functions **********************
Func _MD5Init()
Local $_MD5Opcode = '0xC85800005356576A006A006A008D45A850E8280000006A00FF750CFF75088D45A850E8440000006A006A008D45A850FF7510E8710700005F5E5BC9C210005589E58B4D0831C0894114894110C70101234567C7'
$_MD5Opcode &= '410489ABCDEFC74108FEDCBA98C7410C765432105DC21000C80C0000538B5D088B4310C1E80383E03F8945F88B4510C1E0030143103943107303FF43148B4510C1E81D0143146A40582B45F88945F4394510724550FF75'
$_MD5Opcode &= '0C8B45F88D44031850E8A00700008D43185053E84E0000008B45F48945FC8B45FC83C03F39451076138B450C0345FC5053E8300000008345FC40EBE28365F800EB048365FC008B45102B45FC508B450C0345FC508B45F8'
$_MD5Opcode &= '8D44031850E84D0700005BC9C21000C84000005356576A40FF750C8D45C050E8330700008B45088B088B50048B70088B780C89D021F089D3F7D321FB09D801C1034DC081C178A46AD7C1C10701D189C821D089CBF7D321F'
$_MD5Opcode &= '309D801C7037DC481C756B7C7E8C1C70C01CF89F821C889FBF7D321D309D801C60375C881C6DB702024C1C61101FE89F021F889F3F7D321CB09D801C20355CC81C2EECEBDC1C1C21601F289D021F089D3F7D321FB09D801'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'C1034DD081C1AF0F7CF5C1C10701D189C821D089CBF7D321F309D801C7037DD481C72AC68747C1C70C01CF89F821C889FBF7D321D309D801C60375D881C6134630A8C1C61101FE89F021F889F3F7D321CB09D801C20355DC'
$_MD5Opcode &= '81C2019546FDC1C21601F289D021F089D3F7D321FB09D801C1034DE081C1D8988069C1C10701D189C821D089CBF7D321F309D801C7037DE481C7AFF7448BC1C70C01CF89F821C889FBF7D321D309D801C60375E881C6B1'
$_MD5Opcode &= '5BFFFFC1C61101FE89F021F889F3F7D321CB09D801C20355EC81C2BED75C89C1C21601F289D021F089D3F7D321FB09D801C1034DF081C12211906BC1C10701D189C821D089CBF7D321F309D801C7037DF481C7937198FD'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'C1C70C01CF89F821C889FBF7D321D309D801C60375F881C68E4379A6C1C61101FE89F021F889F3F7D321CB09D801C20355FC81C22108B449C1C21601F289D021F889FBF7D321F309D801C1034DC481C162251EF6C1C1050'
$_MD5Opcode &= '1D189C821F089F3F7D321D309D801C7037DD881C740B340C0C1C70901CF89F821D089D3F7D321CB09D801C60375EC81C6515A5E26C1C60E01FE89F021C889CBF7D321FB09D801C20355C081C2AAC7B6E9C1C21401F289D02'
$_MD5Opcode &= '1F889FBF7D321F309D801C1034DD481C15D102FD6C1C10501D189C821F089F3F7D321D309D801C7037DE881C753144402C1C70901CF89F821D089D3F7D321CB09D801C60375FC81C681E6A1D8C1C60E01FE89F021C889CBF7'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'D321FB09D801C20355D081C2C8FBD3E7C1C21401F289D021F889FBF7D321F309D801C1034DE481C1E6CDE121C1C10501D189C821F089F3F7D321D309D801C7037DF881C7D60737C3C1C70901CF89F821D089D3F7D321CB0'
$_MD5Opcode &= '9D801C60375CC81C6870DD5F4C1C60E01FE89F021C889CBF7D321FB09D801C20355E081C2ED145A45C1C21401F289D021F889FBF7D321F309D801C1034DF481C105E9E3A9C1C10501D189C821F089F3F7D321D309D801C7037'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'DC881C7F8A3EFFCC1C70901CF89F821D089D3F7D321CB09D801C60375DC81C6D9026F67C1C60E01FE89F021C889CBF7D321FB09D801C20355F081C28A4C2A8DC1C21401F289D031F031F801C1034DD481C14239FAFFC1C1040'
$_MD5Opcode &= '1D189C831D031F001C7037DE081C781F67187C1C70B01CF89F831C831D001C60375EC81C622619D6DC1C61001FE89F031F831C801C20355F881C20C38E5FDC1C21701F289D031F031F801C1034DC481C144EABEA4C1C10401'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'D189C831D031F001C7037DD081C7A9CFDE4BC1C70B01CF89F831C831D001C60375DC81C6604BBBF6C1C61001FE89F031F831C801C20355E881C270BCBFBEC1C21701F289D031F031F801C1034DF481C1C67E9B28C1C10401D1'
$_MD5Opcode &= '89C831D031F001C7037DC081C7FA27A1EAC1C70B01CF89F831C831D001C60375CC81C68530EFD4C1C61001FE89F031F831C801C20355D881C2051D8804C1C21701F289D031F031F801C1034DE481C139D0D4D9C1C10401D189C'
$_MD5Opcode &= '831D031F001C7037DF081C7E599DBE6C1C70B01CF89F831C831D001C60375FC81C6F87CA21FC1C61001FE89F031F831C801C20355C881C26556ACC4C1C21701F289F8F7D009D031F001C1034DC081C1442229F4C1C10601D189F'
$_MD5Opcode &= '0F7D009C831D001C7037DDC81C797FF2A43C1C70A01CF89D0F7D009F831C801C60375F881C6A72394ABC1C60F01FE89C8F7D009F031F801C20355D481C239A093FCC1C21501F289F8F7D009D031F001C1034DF081C1C3595B65C'
$_MD5Opcode &= '1C10601D189F0F7D009C831D001C7037DCC81C792CC0C8FC1C70A01CF89D0F7D009F831C801C60375E881C67DF4EFFFC1C60F01FE89C8F7D009F031F801C20355C481C2D15D8485C1C21501F289F8F7D009D031F001C1034DE0'
$_MD5Opcode &= '81C14F7EA86FC1C10601D189F0F7D009C831D001C7037DFC81C7E0E62CFEC1C70A01CF89D0F7D009F831C801C60375D881C6144301A3C1C60F01FE89C8F7D009F031F801C20355F481C2A111084EC1C21501F289F8F7D009D031'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'F001C1034DD081C1827E53F7C1C10601D189F0F7D009C831D001C7037DEC81C735F23ABDC1C70A01CF89D0F7D009F831C801C60375C881C6BBD2D72AC1C60F01FE89C8F7D009F031F801C20355E481C291D386EBC1C21501F28B4'
$_MD5Opcode &= '508010801500401700801780C5F5E5BC9C20800C814000053E840000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
$_MD5Opcode &= '000000008F45EC8B5D0C6A088D4310508D45F850E8510000008B4310C1E80383E03F8945F483F838730B6A38582B45F48945F0EB096A78582B45F48945F0FF75F0FF75ECFF750CE831F8FFFF6A088D45F850FF750CE823F8'
$_MD5Opcode &= 'FFFF6A1053FF7508E8050000005BC9C210005589E55156578B7D088B750C8B4D10FCF3A45F5E595DC20C00'
If NOT IsDllStruct($_MD5CodeBuffer) Then
$_MD5CodeBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($_MD5Opcode) & "]")
DllStructSetData($_MD5CodeBuffer, 1, $_MD5Opcode)
Local $OpcodeStart = 62
Local $MD5CTX = DllStructCreate("dword[22]")
DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "CallWindowProc", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($_MD5CodeBuffer) + $OpcodeStart, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($MD5CTX), _
"int", 0, _
"int", 0, _
"int", 0)
$CodeBuffer = 0
Return $MD5CTX
EndFunc ;==>_MD5Init
Func _MD5Input(ByRef $MD5CTX, $Data)
If NOT IsDllStruct($_MD5CodeBuffer) Then Return
Local $OpcodeStart = 107
Local $Input = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($Data) & "]")
DllStructSetData($Input, 1, $Data)
DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "CallWindowProc", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($_MD5CodeBuffer) + $OpcodeStart, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($MD5CTX), _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Input), _
"int", BinaryLen($Data), _
"int", 0)
$Input = 0
EndFunc ;==>_MD5Input
Func _MD5Result(ByRef $MD5CTX)
If NOT IsDllStruct($_MD5CodeBuffer) Then Return Binary(0)
;Local $OpcodeStart = (StringInStr($_MD5Opcode, "C814000053") - 1) / 2 - 1
Local $OpcodeStart = 1960
Local $Digest = DllStructCreate("byte[16]")
DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "CallWindowProc", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($_MD5CodeBuffer) + $OpcodeStart, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Digest), _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($MD5CTX), _
"int", 0, _
"int", 0)
Local $Ret = DllStructGetData($Digest, 1)
$CodeBuffer = 0
$Digest = 0
$MD5CTX = 0
$_MD5CodeBuffer = 0
Return StringLower($Ret)
EndFunc ;==>_MD5Result