Last modified: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
; Function List
; _Fldr_GetLevel()
; _Fldr_GetParent()
; _FldrCompression()
; _FldrCopyMove()
; _FldrGetDates()
; _FldrGetSize()
; _FldrListToArray()
; Constants for Special Folders in Windows
Global Const $Administrative_Tools = 0x2f
Global Const $All_Users_Application_Data = 0x23
Global Const $All_Users_Desktop = 0x19
Global Const $All_Users_Favorites = 0x19
Global Const $All_Users_Programs = 0x17
Global Const $All_Users_Start_Menu = 0x16
Global Const $All_Users_Startup = 0x18
Global Const $All_Users_Templates = 0x2e
Global Const $Application_Data = 0x1a
Global Const $CD_Burning_Folder = 0x003b
Global Const $Common_Files = 0x2b
Global Const $Control_Panel = 0x3
Global Const $Cookies = 0x21
Global Const $Desktop = 0x10
Global Const $Favorites = 0x6
Global Const $Fonts = 0x14
Global Const $Internet_Explorer = 0x1
Global Const $Local_Settings_Application_Data = 0x1c
Global Const $Local_Settings_History = 0x22
Global Const $Local_Settings_Temporary_Internet_Files = 0x20
Global Const $My_Computer = 0x11
Global Const $My_Documents = 0x5
Global Const $My_Music = 0xd
Global Const $My_Network_Places = 0x12
Global Const $My_Pictures = 0x27
Global Const $My_Recent_Documents = 0x8
Global Const $My_Videos = 0xe
Global Const $NetHood = 0x13
Global Const $Network_Connections = 0x31
Global Const $Printers_and_Faxes = 0x4
Global Const $PrintHood = 0x1b
Global Const $Program_Files = 0x26
Global Const $Programs = 0x2
Global Const $Recycle_Bin = 0xa
Global Const $SendTo = 0x9
Global Const $Start_Menu = 0xb
Global Const $Startup = 0x7
Global Const $System32 = 0x25
Global Const $Templates = 0x15
Global Const $User_Profile = 0x28
Global Const $Windows = 0x24
; Example(s)
Func _Special_Folders ($Folder)
$objShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application")
;;<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Functions to assist with folder data management >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
; Function Name: _Fldr_GetLevel()
; Description: Get the path to the parent of the specified folder
; Syntax: _Fldr_GetLevel($sPath [, Level])
; Parameter(s): $sFldr - The folder to start from
; $Level - How many levels to go up from $sFldr Default is 1 which returns the same as
; _Fldr_GetParent() below
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns the path to the folder without a trailing backslash
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - Recursion level exceeded - Returns a blank string and sets @Error to 1
; [2 - $sPath does not exist - Returns a blank string and sets @Error to 2
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes:
; Modifications:
; Example(s): _Fldr_GetLevel("C:\WINDOWS\system32\SoftwareDistribution\Setup", 3) returns "C:\Windows"
Func _Fldr_GetLevel($sPath, $Level = 1);; default $level takes it to the parent
If StringRight($sPath, 1) = "\" Then $sPath = StringTrimRight($sPath, 1)
If NOT FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(2, 2, "The starting folder does not exist")
Local $rFldr = StringSplit($sPath, "\"), $I, $fPath = ""
If $Level > Ubound($rFldr) -1 Then Return SetError(1, 1, "Recursion level exceeded");; Returns a blank string and sets @Error to 1
$Level += 1
For $I = 1 To Ubound($rFldr) - $Level
$fPath &= $rFldr[$I] & "\"
Return StringTrimRight($fPath, 1)
EndFunc ;<===> _Fldr_GetLevel()
; Function Name: _Fldr_GetParent()
; Description: Get the path to the parent of the specified folder
; Syntax: _FldrGetParent([$rFldr])
; Parameter(s): $rFldr - The folder to query
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns the path to the parent folder without a trailing backslash
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - unable to create the object
; [2 - $rFldr does not exist
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes:
; Modifications:
Func _Fldr_GetParent($sFldr)
If StringRight($sFldr, 1) = "\" Then $sFldr = StringTrimRight($sFldr, 1)
Return StringLeft($sFldr, StringInStr($sFldr, "\", 0, -1) -1)
EndFunc ;<===> _Fldr_GetParent()
; Function Name: _Fldr_IsEmpty()
; Description: Determine if a folder is empty
; Syntax: _Fldr_IsEmpty("folder path")
; Parameter(s): $szRoot - Path to the folder
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): 1 - the folder is empty
; 0 - the folder contains files or folders (not empty)
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
Func _Fldr_IsEmpty($szRoot)
If StringRight($szRoot, 1) <>"\" THen $szRoot &= "\"
If FileFindFirstFile($szRoot & "*") = -1 Then Return 1
Return 0
EndFunc ;<==> _Fldr_IsEmpty()
; Function Name: _FldrCompression()
; Description: Compress or decompress a folder.
; Syntax: _FldrCompression($rFldr [, $action])
; Parameter(s): $rFldr - The folder to perform the action on.
; $action - Action to perform -- 0 = Compress (default), 1 = Decompress
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - Compresses or Decompresses the specified folder
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - The current attributes of the folder match the requested action.
; [2 - $rFldr does not exist
; [3 - Invalid action specified. MUST be 1 or 0
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes:
; Modifications:
; Example(s):
; $Cpr = _FldrCompression("C:\Test") ;; Compress the folder C:\Test
; If @Error Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', $Cpr)
; $Cpr = _FldrCompression("C:\Test", 1) ;; Decompress the folder C:\Test
; If @Error Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', $Cpr)
Func _FldrCompression($rFldr, $action= 0)
Local $eMsg = 'The folder' & @CRLF & $rFldr & @CRLF & 'is already '
If NOT FileExists($rFldr) Then Return SetError( 2, 2, 'Unable to locate the folder' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $rFldr)
If $action = 0 Then
If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($rFldr), 'C') Then Return SetError( 1, 1, $eMsg & 'compressed')
ElseIf $action = 1 Then
If NOT StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($rFldr), 'C') Then Return SetError( 1, 1, $eMsg & 'uncompressed')
Return SetError(3, 3, 'Invalid action')
If NOT StringInStr($rFldr, '\\') Then $rFldr = StringReplace($rFldr, '\', '\\')
$rFldr = Chr(39) & $rFldr & Chr(39)
$objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
$colFolders = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Directory where name = " & $rFldr)
For $objFolder in $colFolders
If $action = 0 Then
$errResults = $objFolder.Compress
$errResults = $objFolder.UnCompress
EndFunc ;<==> _FldrCompression()
; Function Name: _FldrCopyMove()
; Description: Copy or Move folders with progress dialog
; Syntax: _FldrCopyMove(Folder to process, Destination folder[, Action])
; Parameter(s): $rFldr - The full path of the folder to copy or move
; $nFldr - The full path of the destination folder
; $action - The action to perform 0 = Copy (default) 1 = Move
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - Folder is copied / moved
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - unable to create the shell object
; [2 - the specified $rFldr was not located (check the path)
; [3 - an invalid action was specified
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes: To self --- removed all the dircopy's and used dircreate/filecopy
; and over a network it's 800 x's faster for large folder structures
; Modifications:
Func _FldrCopyMove($rFldr, $nFldr, $action = 0)
If NOT FileExists($rFldr) Then Return SetError( 2, 2, 'Unable to locate the folder' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $rFldr)
If $action <> 0 AND $action <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 3, 'Invalid action')
$obj = ObjCreate ("Shell.Application")
If IsObj($obj) Then
If NOT FileExists($nFldr) Then DirCreate($nFldr)
$cFldr = $obj.NameSpace ($nFldr)
If $action = 0 Then
$cFldr.CopyHere ($rFldr, "&H0&")
$cFldr.MoveHere ($rFldr, "&H0&")
Return SetError(1, 1, 'Unable to create the Shell object')
EndFunc ;<===> _FldrCopyMove()
; Function Name: _FldrGetDates()
; Description: Returns the Created, LastModified and LastAccessed dates and times of a folder as an array.
; Syntax: _FldrGetDates([$rFldr [, $Mth_AsText [, $Ext_Date [, $T_Txt ]]]])
; Parameter(s): $rFldr - The folder to query (default is current dir)
; $Mth_AsText - Return the month as text (default) Use 0 to return the numeric date
; $Ext_Date - If 0 returns the raw date.
; If 1 (default) returns a formatted date string
; $T_Txt - If set to 1 (default) and the date = current day then replaces the date with "Today at"
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns an Array containing the dates and times of the folder where
; array[1] = DateCreated
; array[2] = DateLastModified
; array[3] = DateLastAccessed
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - unable to create the FileSystem object
; [2 - $rFldr does not exist
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes:
; Modifications:
Func _FldrGetDates($rFldr = '', $Mth_AsText = 1, $Ext_Date = 1, $T_Txt = 1)
If $rFldr <> '' AND NOT FileExists($rFldr) Then Return SetError( 2, 2, 'Unable to locate the folder' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $rFldr)
$obj = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsObj($obj) Then
If $rFldr = '' Then $rFldr = @HomeDrive & '\' & @HomePath
$oFldr = $obj.GetFolder($rFldr)
Local $Rtn = ''
With $oFldr
Dim $F_prop[3] = [.DateCreated,.DateLastModified,.DateLastAccessed]
For $I = 0 To Ubound($F_Prop) -1
$Rtn &= _FldrDate($F_Prop[$I], $Mth_AsText, $Ext_Date, $T_Txt) & '|'
Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($Rtn,1), '|')
Return SetError(1, 1, 'Unable to create the FileSystem object')
EndFunc ;<===> _FldrGetDates()
; Function Name: _FldrGetSize()
; Description: A replacement for the DirGetSize() function that will return the size as bytes, Kbs or Mbs
; Syntax: _FldrGetSize([$rFldr [,$Set_Ext ]])
; Parameter(s): $rFldr - The folder to query (default is current dir)
; $Set_Ext - If 1 (default) returns the size as shown in the description.
; If 0 then returns the same as DirGetSize()
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success the date as defined by $Set_Ext
; Failure Sets @Error
; [1 - unable to create the object
; [2 - $rFldr does not exist
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes:
; Modifications:
Func _FldrGetSize($rFldr = '', $Set_Ext = 1)
If $rFldr <> '' AND NOT FileExists($rFldr) Then Return SetError( 2, 2, 'Unable to locate the folder' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $rFldr)
$obj = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsObj($obj) Then
If $rFldr = '' Then $rFldr = @HomeDrive & '\' & @HomePath
$oFldr = $obj.GetFolder($rFldr)
$F_Size = $oFldr.size
If $Set_Ext <> 1 Then Return $F_Size
$Div = 0
While $F_Size > 1024
$F_Size = $F_Size / 1024
$Div += 1
If $Div = 0 Then
Return $F_Size & ' bytes'
ElseIf $Div = 1 Then
Return Round($F_Size, 3) & ' Kb'
Return Round($F_Size, 2) & ' Mb'
Return SetError(1, 1, 'Unable to create the FileSystem object')
EndFunc ;<===> _FldrGetSize()
; Function Name: _FldrListToArray()
; Description: Recursivly find the folders in a given path (returns full path for each)
; Syntax: _FldrListToArray($szRoot, $nFlag = 1 )
; Parameter(s): $szRoot - The base folder
; $sIgnore - Folders to exclude - MUST be pipe (|) separated
; $iRecurs - If 1 (default) search is recursive
; $iNoRoot - If 0 (default) $szRoot is included in the returned array
; else $szRoot is ignored.
; Requirements:
; Return Value(s): Success - A 1 based array of the folders with paths
; Failure - None
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Notes:
#include <array.au3>
;; folders in C:\, ignore Windows and Recycler folders, recursive and don't include the root folder
$aArray = _FldrListToArray("c:", "windows|recycler", 1, 1)
Func _FldrListToArray($szRoot, $sIgnore = "", $iRecurs = 1, $iNoRoot = 0 )
If StringRight($szRoot, 1) <> '\' Then $szRoot &= '\'
Local $szReturn = '', $szBuffer = '', $szPathlist = '*', $oRoot = $szRoot & '*', $sChk = $szRoot
$Hfile = FileFindFirstFile ($szRoot &'*')
If $Hfile >= 0 Then
$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)
While NOT @Error
If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($szRoot & $szBuffer), 'D') Then
If $sIgnore AND StringRegExp($szBuffer, "(?i)" & $sIgnore) Then
$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)
If StringInStr($szRoot & $szBuffer, $sChk) Then $szPathlist &= $szRoot & $szBuffer & "\*"
$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)
FileClose ($Hfile)
$szReturn = $szPathList
If $iRecurs = 1 Then
$szPathList = StringTrimLeft($szPathlist, 1)
$szRoot = StringLeft($szPathList, StringInStr($szPathlist, '*') -1)
While 1
$hFile = FileFindFirstFile ($szRoot & '*')
If $hFile >= 0 Then
$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)
While NOT @Error
If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($szRoot & $szBuffer), 'D') Then
If NOT $sIgnore Then
If StringInStr($szRoot & $szBuffer, $sChk) Then $szPathlist &= $szRoot & $szBuffer & "\*"
If StringInStr($szRoot & $szBuffer, $sChk) Then $szReturn &= $szRoot & $szBuffer & "\*"
If NOT StringRegExp($szBuffer, "(?i)" & $sIgnore) Then
If StringInStr($szRoot & $szBuffer, $sChk) Then $szPathlist &= $szRoot & $szBuffer & "\*"
If StringInStr($szRoot & $szBuffer, $sChk) Then $szReturn &= $szRoot & $szBuffer & "\*"
$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)
$szPathList = StringReplace($szPathList, $szRoot, '')
If $szPathList == '*' Then ExitLoop
$szPathlist = StringTrimLeft ($szPathlist, 1)
$szRoot = StringLeft ($szPathlist, StringInStr ($szPathlist, "*") - 1) & "\"
$szPathlist = StringTrimLeft ($szPathlist, StringInStr ($szPathlist, "*") - 1)
If StringLeft($szReturn, 1) = '*' Then $szReturn = StringTrimLeft($szReturn, 1)
$szReturn = StringReplace($szReturn, '\\', '\')
If StringRight($szReturn, 1) = '*' Then $szReturn = StringTrimRight($szReturn,1)
If NOT $iNoRoot Then $szReturn = $oRoot & $szReturn
$szReturn = StringSplit($szReturn,'*')
If $szReturn = '*' or $szReturn = '' Then Return 0
; _ArraySort($szReturn) ;; << uncomment and #include <array.au3> to return a sorted array
Return $szReturn
EndFunc ;<==> _FldrListToArray()
;; Private Functions
Func _FldrDate($Dt, $Ext_Date, $Mth_AsText, $T_Txt)
Local $Tday = 0
If $Ext_Date = 0 Then Return $Dt
Local $Disp_Mon = StringSplit('January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December', '|')
Local $y = StringLeft($Dt, 4)
Local $m = StringMid($Dt,5,2)
Local $d = StringMid($Dt, 7, 2)
If $y = @Year AND $m = @Mon AND $d = @Mday Then $Tday = 1
Local $t = StringMid($Dt, 9)
$t = StringLeft($t,2) & ':' & StringMid($t, 3,2) & ':' & StringRight($t, 2)
If StringLeft( $t, 2) < 12 Then
$t &= ' am'
$t = StringLeft($t, 2) - 12 & StringMid($t, 3)
$t &= ' pm'
If $Tday = 1 AND $Mth_AsText = 1 AND $T_Txt = 1 Then Return 'Today at ' & $t
If $Mth_AsText = 1 Then $m = $Disp_Mon[$m]
Return $m & ' ' & $d & ' ' & $y & ' at ' & $t
EndFunc ;<===> _FldrDate()