Warning: Many of these scripts require additional files which will be included in the download.
Executing these scripts without those files could result in anything from minor irritations to code failure.
Be sure to download the zip file if you plan on using the code.


Last modified:   Wednesday, September 30, 2020

;   Function List
;         _Number_AddSep()
;         _Number_FormatAsCurrency()
;         _Number_ReplaceSep()


; Function Name:   _Number_AddSep()
; Description:   Add separators to a number
; Syntax:   _Number_AddSep("Number" [, "separator"])
; Parameter(s):   $iVal - The number to add separators to
;                           $sSep - The separator to use.
;                           $dSep - The separator to use for the decimal value.
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s):   Separated number
; Author(s):   George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Note(s):   $iVal MUST be given either as an integer or a float
;            The defaults for $sSep and $dSep are read from the registry

Func _Number_AddSep($iVal, $sSep = -1, $dSep = -1)
  If (NOT StringIsInt($iVal)) AND (NOT StringIsFloat($iVal)) Then Return SetError(1)
  If $sSep = "" Or StringRegExp($sSep, "(?i)-1|default") Then _
      $sSep = RegRead("HKCU\Control Panel\International", "sThousand") 
  If $dSep = ""  Or StringRegExp($dSep, "(?i)-1|default") Then _
      $dSep = RegRead("HKCU\Control Panel\International", "sDecimal") 
  Local $dVal = ""
  If StringIsFloat($iVal) Then
    $dVal = StringMid($iVal, StringInStr($iVal, "."))
    $iVal = Int($iVal)
    $dVal = StringReplace($dVal, ".", $dSep)
  Local $oVal = ""
  $cArray = StringSplit($iVal,"")
  For $I = Ubound($cArray)-3 to 1 step -3
    $cArray[$I] = $sSep & $cArray[$I]
  For $I = 1 To Ubound($cArray)-1
    $oVal &= $cArray[$I]
  If StringLeft($oVal, StringLen($sSep)) = $sSep Then $oVal = _
      StringReplace($oVal, $sSep, "", 1)
  Return $oVal & $dVal
EndFunc   ;<==> _Number_AddSep()

; Function Name:     _Number_FormatAsCurrency()
; Description:   Return the currency value of a number
; Syntax:       _Number_FormatCurrency($sVal)
; Parameter(s):   $sVal - The number to format
;                 $aSep - if not 0 then it will add thousands separators to the string
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s):   Success - Regional formatted currency value
;                    Failure - Sets @Error to 1 if $sVal is not an integer or a float
; Author(s):   George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):   
; Note(s):    $sVal MUST be given either as an integer or a float
; Example(s):   MsgBox(0, "TEST", _Number_FormatAsCurrency(1844567289.49, 1))

Func _Number_FormatAsCurrency($sVal, $aSep = 0)
  If (NOT StringIsInt($sVal)) AND (NOT StringIsFloat($sVal)) Then Return SetError(1)
  If NOT StringInStr($sVal, ".") Then $sVal &= ".00"
  Local $fKey = "HKCU\Control Panel\International", $dVal, $nVal, $dSep, $cSym
  $cSym = RegRead($fKey, "sCurrency"), $nSep = RegRead($fKey, "sThousand")
  $dSep = RegRead($fKey, "sDecimal")
  $nVal = StringRegExp($sVal, "(\d*)(\" & $dSep & ")(\d{0,2})(\d*)", 1)
  $nVal[0] = StringFormat("%d", $nVal[0])
  If $aSep <> 0 Then $nVal[0] = _Number_AddSep($nVal[0], $nSep)
  Return StringFormat($cSym & "%s" & $dSep & "%02d",$nVal[0],$nVal[2])
EndFunc   ;<==> _Number_FormatAsCurrency()

; Function Name:   _Number_ReplaceSep()
; Description:   Replace the separators in a number (convert to/from European style)
; Syntax:   _Number_ReplaceSep("number")
; Parameter(s):   $iNum - Number  to change
;                           $nSep - Existing number separator
;                           $dSep - Existing decimal indicator
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s):   
; Author(s):   GEOSoft

Func _Number_ReplaceSep($iNum, $nSep = ",", $dSep = ".")
  If StringInStr($iNum, $dSep) Then $iNum = StringReplace($iNum, $dSep, "~")
  $iNum = StringReplace($iNum, $nSep, $dSep)
  $iNum = StringReplace($iNum, "~", $nSep)
  Return $iNum
EndFunc   ;<==> _Number_ReplaceSep()