Last modified: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
; Function List
; _Number_AddSep()
; _Number_FormatAsCurrency()
; _Number_ReplaceSep()
; Function Name: _Number_AddSep()
; Description: Add separators to a number
; Syntax: _Number_AddSep("Number" [, "separator"])
; Parameter(s): $iVal - The number to add separators to
; $sSep - The separator to use.
; $dSep - The separator to use for the decimal value.
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): Separated number
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Note(s): $iVal MUST be given either as an integer or a float
; The defaults for $sSep and $dSep are read from the registry
Func _Number_AddSep($iVal, $sSep = -1, $dSep = -1)
If (NOT StringIsInt($iVal)) AND (NOT StringIsFloat($iVal)) Then Return SetError(1)
If $sSep = "" Or StringRegExp($sSep, "(?i)-1|default") Then _
$sSep = RegRead("HKCU\Control Panel\International", "sThousand")
If $dSep = "" Or StringRegExp($dSep, "(?i)-1|default") Then _
$dSep = RegRead("HKCU\Control Panel\International", "sDecimal")
Local $dVal = ""
If StringIsFloat($iVal) Then
$dVal = StringMid($iVal, StringInStr($iVal, "."))
$iVal = Int($iVal)
$dVal = StringReplace($dVal, ".", $dSep)
Local $oVal = ""
$cArray = StringSplit($iVal,"")
For $I = Ubound($cArray)-3 to 1 step -3
$cArray[$I] = $sSep & $cArray[$I]
For $I = 1 To Ubound($cArray)-1
$oVal &= $cArray[$I]
If StringLeft($oVal, StringLen($sSep)) = $sSep Then $oVal = _
StringReplace($oVal, $sSep, "", 1)
Return $oVal & $dVal
EndFunc ;<==> _Number_AddSep()
; Function Name: _Number_FormatAsCurrency()
; Description: Return the currency value of a number
; Syntax: _Number_FormatCurrency($sVal)
; Parameter(s): $sVal - The number to format
; $aSep - if not 0 then it will add thousands separators to the string
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): Success - Regional formatted currency value
; Failure - Sets @Error to 1 if $sVal is not an integer or a float
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): $sVal MUST be given either as an integer or a float
; Example(s): MsgBox(0, "TEST", _Number_FormatAsCurrency(1844567289.49, 1))
Func _Number_FormatAsCurrency($sVal, $aSep = 0)
If (NOT StringIsInt($sVal)) AND (NOT StringIsFloat($sVal)) Then Return SetError(1)
If NOT StringInStr($sVal, ".") Then $sVal &= ".00"
Local $fKey = "HKCU\Control Panel\International", $dVal, $nVal, $dSep, $cSym
$cSym = RegRead($fKey, "sCurrency"), $nSep = RegRead($fKey, "sThousand")
$dSep = RegRead($fKey, "sDecimal")
$nVal = StringRegExp($sVal, "(\d*)(\" & $dSep & ")(\d{0,2})(\d*)", 1)
$nVal[0] = StringFormat("%d", $nVal[0])
If $aSep <> 0 Then $nVal[0] = _Number_AddSep($nVal[0], $nSep)
Return StringFormat($cSym & "%s" & $dSep & "%02d",$nVal[0],$nVal[2])
EndFunc ;<==> _Number_FormatAsCurrency()
; Function Name: _Number_ReplaceSep()
; Description: Replace the separators in a number (convert to/from European style)
; Syntax: _Number_ReplaceSep("number")
; Parameter(s): $iNum - Number to change
; $nSep - Existing number separator
; $dSep - Existing decimal indicator
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s):
; Author(s): GEOSoft
Func _Number_ReplaceSep($iNum, $nSep = ",", $dSep = ".")
If StringInStr($iNum, $dSep) Then $iNum = StringReplace($iNum, $dSep, "~")
$iNum = StringReplace($iNum, $nSep, $dSep)
$iNum = StringReplace($iNum, "~", $nSep)
Return $iNum
EndFunc ;<==> _Number_ReplaceSep()