Warning: Many of these scripts require additional files which will be included in the download.
Executing these scripts without those files could result in anything from minor irritations to code failure.
Be sure to download the zip file if you plan on using the code.


Last modified:   Wednesday, September 30, 2020

;   Function List
;         __HexToString()
;         __StringToHex()
;         _StringAddThousandsSep()
;         _String_CreateWordList()
;         _String_GetChrCount()
;         _String_GetQuotes()
;         _String_GetWord()
;         _StringIsLower()
;         _StringIsUpper()
;         _String_LastIndexOf()
;         _String_WordOccurs()


; Function Name:    __HexToString()
; Description:      Convert a Hex value to a string value
; Syntax:           __HexToString($sString)
; Parameter(s):     $sHex - The Hex value to convert
; Requirements:      None
; Return Value(s):  Success - Returns the String representation of $sHex
; Author(s):        SmOke_N
; Modifications:
; Notes:
; Example(s):     MsgBox(0, 'Test', $sHex & @CRLF & __HexToString("5468697320697320736F6D652074657874"))

Func __HexToString($sString)
  If StringLeft($sString, 2) <> "0x"Then
    $sString = "0x" & $sString
  Return BinaryToString($sString)
EndFunc   ;<==> __HexToString()

; Function Name:   __StringToHex()
; Description:   Convert a string to a Hex value
; Syntax:   
; Parameter(s):   $sString - The string to convert
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s):   The hex value of the input string
; Author(s):   George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):   
; Note(s):   
; Example(s): 

Func __StringToHex($sString)
  Return StringTrimLeft(StringToBinary($sString), 2)
EndFunc   ;<==> __StringToHex()

; Function Name:   _StringAddThousandsSep()
; Description:     Returns the original numbered string with the Thousands and or Decimal delimiter(s) inserted.
; Syntax:          _StringAddThousandsSep($s_string[, $i_convert_lcid = -1[, $i_current_lcid = -1]])
; Parameter(s):    $s_string         - The string to be converted.
;                  $i_convert_lcid   - Optional: Default or -1 wll be the User default locale else:
;                   |LCID of what you want to convert number to.
;                  $i_current_lcid   - Optional: Default or -1 wll be the User default locale else:
;                   |LCID number was converted with originally.
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success - The string with Thousands delimiter added.
;                  - Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error to 1.
; Author(s):       SmOke_N (orignal _StringAddComma); Valik (original _StringAddThousandsSep)
;                  GEOSoft (added localaization and ability to handle pre-formatted strings)
;                  SmOke_N (complete re-write)
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    Changes are script breaking after AutoIt version
;             LCID numbers can be obtained by pre-pending the OSLang codes in the help file appendix with "0x".
;             This will be the LAST re-write of this function.  DO NOT ask for further changes.
;              If it's not returning what you want then write your own.
; Example(s):   


Func _StringAddThousandsSep($s_string, $i_convert_lcid = -1, $i_current_lcid = -1)
   ; $LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT = 0x0400
    If $i_current_lcid = -1 Or $i_current_lcid = Default Then $i_current_lcid = 0x0400
    If $i_convert_lcid = -1 Or $i_convert_lcid = Default Then $i_convert_lcid = 0x0400

   ; Get lcid decimal and thousands separators
    Local $t_buff_tmp = DllStructCreate("char[4]")
    DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLocaleInfo", "int", $i_current_lcid, _
        "int", 0x0E, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buff_tmp), "int", 4)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    Local $s_cur_dec = DllStructGetData($t_buff_tmp, 1)

    DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLocaleInfo", "int", $i_convert_lcid, _
        "int", 0x0E, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buff_tmp), "int", 4)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    Local $s_con_dec = DllStructGetData($t_buff_tmp, 1)

    DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLocaleInfo", "int", $i_convert_lcid, _
        "int", 0x0F, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buff_tmp), "int", 4)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    Local $s_con_tho = DllStructGetData($t_buff_tmp, 1)

   ; For later formatting
    Local $i_number = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, "(\" & $s_cur_dec & "\d+\z)|(^-|\d+)|(\D)", "$2")
    Local $i_dec = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, "(.+?\" & $s_cur_dec & ")(\d+\z)", "$2")
    If @extended = 0 Then $i_dec = ""

    Local $i_str_len = StringLen($s_string) * 4
    Local $t_numberfmt = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;ptr;ptr;uint")
    Local $t_thousands = DllStructCreate("wchar[2]")
    Local $t_decimal = DllStructCreate("wchar[2]")
    Local $t_buffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $i_str_len & "]")

    DllStructSetData($t_thousands, 1, $s_con_tho)
    DllStructSetData($t_decimal, 1, $s_con_dec)
    DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 3, 3)
    DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 4, DllStructGetPtr($t_decimal))
    DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 5, DllStructGetPtr($t_thousands))
    DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 6, 1)

    DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetNumberFormatW", _
        "int", $i_convert_lcid, "int", 0, _
        "wstr", $i_number, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_numberfmt), _
        "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buffer), "int", $i_str_len)

    If $i_dec = "" Then $s_con_dec = ""
    Return DllStructGetData($t_buffer, 1) & $s_con_dec & $i_dec
EndFunc   ;<==> _StringAddThousandsSep()

; Function Name:   _String_CountLines()
; Description:     Return the number of lines in text or file
; Syntax:          _String_CountLines("Text or full path to file")
; Parameter(s):    $sText - text or file to check
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success Returns the line count of $sText
;                  - Failure set @Error to 1 if no text was passed to the function
; Author(s):       George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    
; Example(s):   
   $Count = _String_CountLines($sFile)
   MsgBox(0, "Line Count", $Count & " Lines")

Func _String_CountLines($sText)
   If FileExists($sText) Then $sText = FileRead($sText)
   If NOT $sText Then Return SetError(1)
   StringRegExpReplace($sText, "(?m:^).*\v|\z", "$1")
   Return @Extended
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_CountLines()

; Function Name:   _String_CreateWordList()
; Description:     Create an array of words in a string
; Syntax:          _String_CreateWordList("String or file"[, skip single letters]) 
; Parameter(s):    $sStr = String or file to check.
;                  $iSkip = Skip single character words. Default is Don't skip
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success a 0 based array of all the words in a string
;                  - Failure 
; Author(s):       George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    best if this is used with _ArrayUnique() to get unique words
; Example(s):   
   $aArray = _String_CreateWordList("This is some test string of 10 words I put together",1)
   If Not @Error Then
      For $i = 0 To Ubound($aArray) -1
         MsgBox(4096,"Results", "Word number " & $i+1 & " is " & $aArray[$i])

Func _String_CreateWordList($sStr, $iSkip = 0)
   If FileExists($sStr) Then $sStr = FileRead($sStr)
   Local $sLen = "+"
   If $iSkip <> 0 Then $sLen = "{2,}"
   $aRegEx = StringRegExp($sStr, "(?i)\b([[:alpha:]]" & $sLen & ")\b", 3)
   If NOT @Error Then Return $aRegEx
   Return SetError(1) ;; Unable to create the array
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_CreateWordList()

; Function Name:   _String_GetChrCount()
; Description:   Count the number of times a given character appears in a string
; Syntax:   
; Parameter(s):   $cStr - The string to check
;                 $cChr - The character to count
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s):   The number of times a character appears in a string
; Author(s):   George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):   
; Note(s):   Can also be used to determine how many times a string appears in a file
;             by using FileRead() for $cStr and the string for $cChar
   $Test = _String_GetChrCount("This is just an example.", Chr(32))
   MsgBox(0, "Results", $Test)
;             Since Chr(32) is a space then it would return 4

Func _String_GetChrCount($cStr, $cChr, $iCase = 0)
  If $iCase <> 0 Then $iCase = 1
  StringReplace($cStr, $cChr, $cChr, 0, $iCase)
  Return @Extended
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_GetChrCount()

; Function Name:   _String_GetQuotes()
; Description:     Find The Literal Strings And Set the Quotes
; Syntax:          
; Parameter(s):    $sString - The string to check
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s): 
; Author(s):   Smoke_N
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    
; Example(s):   

Func _String_GetQuotes()
  ;Create delimiters for double single and double quotes 
  Local $sDQ = Chr(1) & Chr(1), $sSQ = Chr(3) & Chr(3) 
  ;Replace Double Double quotes "" 
  $sString = StringReplace($sString, '""', $sDQ) 
  ;Replace Double Single quote '' and return 
  $sString = StringReplace($sString, "''", $sSQ) 
  ;Get Quotes 
  Local $aSRE = StringRegExp($sString, '(?s)(".*?")|' & "('.*?')", 3) 
  If IsArray($aSRE) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") 
  ;Loop through and add back in the correct quotes 
  For $iCC = 0 To UBound($aSRE) - 1 
    $aSRE[$iCC] = StringReplace($aSRE[$iCC], $sDQ, '""') 
    $aSRE[$iCC] = StringReplace($aSRE[$iCC], $sSQ, "''") 
  Next ;$iCC 
  Return $aSRE 
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_GetQuotes()

; Function Name:    _String_GetWord()
; Description:      Return a desired word from a string
; Syntax:           _String_GetWord($iStr, $rWrd)
; Parameter(s):     $iStr - The string to check
;                   $rWrd - The string location of the word you want to return (default is the first word)
; Requirements:      None
; Return Value(s):  Success - The word that appears in the location specified in $rWord
;                   Failure - Returns a blank string
; Author(s):        GEOSoft  - Modified from a function in JdeBs original Tidy script
; Modifications:    Added the ability to use StringRegEx compliments of Smoke_N
; Notes:
; Example(s):  MsgBox(0, 'Test', _String_GetWord("This is the string to test", 4))
;                          - will return the word "string"

Func _String_GetWord($iStr, $rWrd = 1, $Regx = 1)
  Local $aStr, $Rtn = ''
  If NOT $Regx Then
    $aStr = StringSplit (StringStripWS ($iStr, 3), " (" & @TAB)
    If $rWrd > $aStr[0] OR $rWrd < 1 Then Return $Rtn ;;<<=== You looked for value outside the array range
    If $aStr[0] > 0 Then
      If StringInStr ($aStr[1], '#', 0, 2) > 1 Then
        $aStr[1] = StringLeft ($aStr[1], StringInStr ($aStr[1], '#', 0, 2) - 1)
        If $rWrd = 1 Then Return ($aStr[1])
      $Rtn = ($aStr[$rWrd])
    $aStr = StringRegExp($iStr, "[\s\.:;,\?\!]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_#$=]+)[\s\.:;,\?\!]*", 3) 
    If IsArray($aStr) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") 
    If $rWrd = 1 Then Return $aStr[0] 
    If $rWrd > UBound($aStr) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") 
    $Rtn = $aStr[$rWrd - 1]
  Return $Rtn
EndFunc    ;<===> _String_GetWord()

; Function Name:   _StringIsLower()
; Description:     Check to make sure a string is all lower case
; Syntax:          _StringIsLower("string")
; Parameter(s):    $sStr - String to check
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success = True if string is all lower case otherwise False
;                  - Failure 
; Author(s):       George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    This is used to avoid flicker problems when checking a GUI control
;             in a loop where the control contains punctuation or whitespace.
; Example(s):   
   _StringIsLower("This test sTring"); Returns False
   _StringIsLower("this test string."); Returns True

Func _StringIsLower()
   If StringRegExp($sStr,"[[:upper:]]") Then Return False
   Return True
EndFunc   ;<==> _StringIsLower()

; Function Name:   _StringIsUpper()
; Description:     Check to make sure a string is all UPPER case
; Syntax:          
; Parameter(s):    $sStr - String to check
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success = True if string is all upper case otherwise False
;                  - Failure 
; Author(s):       George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    This is used to avoid flicker problems when checking a GUI control
;             in a loop where the control contains punctuation or whitespace.
; Example(s):   
   _StringIsUpper("THIS TeST STRiNG"); Returns False
   _StringIsUpper("THIS TEST STRING."); Returns True

Func _StringIsUpper($sStr)
   If StringRegExp($sStr,"[[:lower:]]") Then Return False
   Return True
EndFunc   ;<==> _StringIsUpper()

; Function Name:   _String_LastIndexOf()
; Description:   locate the last position in a string of a given character
; Syntax:   
; Parameter(s):   $liStr - The string to check
;                 $liChr - The character to locate
; Requirement(s):   
; Return Value(s):   The position in the string where the last $liChr is found
; Author(s):   George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):   
; Note(s):   This function is an AutoIt replacement for the VB LastIndexOf().
; Example(s): $Test = LastIndexOf("C:\test\myfile.txt", "\")
;             returns 8

Func _String_LastIndexOf($liStr, $liChr)
  Local $Li
  $Li = StringInStr($liStr, $liChr, 0, -1)
  Return $Li
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_LastIndexOf()

; Function Name:   _String_LineLength()
; Description:     Get longest or shortest lines in the text
; Syntax:          
; Parameter(s):    $sText - text or file to check
;                  $iLong - If set to -1 or default then it works with the longest line
;                              otherwise it uses the shortest line
;                  $iCount - If set to -1 or default then it returns the character count
;                              otherwise it returns the string
;                  $iArray - If NOT set to -1 or default then it returns an array where
;                              array[0] = the character count
;                              array[1] = the string
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success 
;                  - Failure 
; Author(s):       George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    If $iArray is not either -1 or default then $iCount has no effect
; Example(s):   
   $sFile = @ScriptFullPath
   $Value = _String_LineLength($sFile,-1, 0)
   If NOT @Error Then
      If IsArray($Value) Then
         MsgBox(0, "Returned array", "Character Count = " & $Value[0] & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Value[1])
         MsgBox(0, "Length or string", $Value)

Func _String_LineLength($sText, $iLong = -1, $iCount = -1, $iArray = -1)
   If FileExists($sText) Then $sText = FileRead($sText)
   If NOT $sText Then Return SetError(1,1, "Unable to read the text")
   $aText = StringRegExp($sText, "(.*?)(?:\v|\z)", 3)
   If @Error Then Return SetError(1,2, "RegExpression Error")
   Local $iLength = StringLen($aText[0]), $sRtn = $aText[0]
   For $i = 1 To Ubound($aText) -1
      If NOT StringRegExp($aText[$i], "\s*\S") Then ContinueLoop
      If StringRegExp($iLong, "(?i)-1|default") Then
      If StringLen($aText[$i]) > $iLength Then
         $iLength = StringLen($aText[$i])
         $sRtn = $aText[$i]
      If StringLen($aText[$i]) < $iLength Then
         $iLength = StringLen($aText[$i])
         $sRtn = $aText[$i]
   If NOT StringRegExp($iArray, "(?i)-1|default") Then
      Local $aRtn[2]
      $aRtn[0] = $iLength
      $aRtn[1] = $sRtn
      Return $aRtn
   If StringRegExp($iCount, "(?i)-1|default") Then Return $iLength
   Return $sRtn
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_LineLength()

; Function Name:   _String_WordOccurs()
; Description:     Count the number of times that a word occurs in a string or file
; Syntax:          
; Parameter(s):    $sStr - String or File to search
;                  $sWord - The word to search for
;                  $iCase - Case sensitivity.  If -1 (default) then it's case sensitive
;                                              anything else = case insensitive
; Requirement(s):  
; Return Value(s): - Success = Returns the count
;                  - Failure = None
; Author(s):       George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s): 
; Note(s):    
; Example(s):   
   $iCount = _String_WordOccurs("A test string to Test the count", "test")
   MsgBox(4096, "Results", "The word test occurs " & $iCount & " time(s).")

Func _String_WordOccurs($sStr, $sWord, $iCase = -1)
   If FileExists($sStr) Then $sStr = FileRead($sStr)
   Local $sCase = ""
   If $iCase <> -1 Then $sCase = "(?i)"
   StringRegExpReplace($sStr,$sCase & "\b(" & $sWord & ")\b", "$1")
   Return @Extended
EndFunc   ;<==> _String_WordOccurs()