Last modified: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
; Function List
; __HexToString()
; __StringToHex()
; _StringAddThousandsSep()
; _String_CreateWordList()
; _String_GetChrCount()
; _String_GetQuotes()
; _String_GetWord()
; _StringIsLower()
; _StringIsUpper()
; _String_LastIndexOf()
; _String_WordOccurs()
; Function Name: __HexToString()
; Description: Convert a Hex value to a string value
; Syntax: __HexToString($sString)
; Parameter(s): $sHex - The Hex value to convert
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns the String representation of $sHex
; Author(s): SmOke_N
; Modifications:
; Notes:
; Example(s): MsgBox(0, 'Test', $sHex & @CRLF & __HexToString("5468697320697320736F6D652074657874"))
Func __HexToString($sString)
If StringLeft($sString, 2) <> "0x"Then
$sString = "0x" & $sString
Return BinaryToString($sString)
EndFunc ;<==> __HexToString()
; Function Name: __StringToHex()
; Description: Convert a string to a Hex value
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $sString - The string to convert
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): The hex value of the input string
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
Func __StringToHex($sString)
Return StringTrimLeft(StringToBinary($sString), 2)
EndFunc ;<==> __StringToHex()
; Function Name: _StringAddThousandsSep()
; Description: Returns the original numbered string with the Thousands and or Decimal delimiter(s) inserted.
; Syntax: _StringAddThousandsSep($s_string[, $i_convert_lcid = -1[, $i_current_lcid = -1]])
; Parameter(s): $s_string - The string to be converted.
; $i_convert_lcid - Optional: Default or -1 wll be the User default locale else:
; |LCID of what you want to convert number to.
; $i_current_lcid - Optional: Default or -1 wll be the User default locale else:
; |LCID number was converted with originally.
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success - The string with Thousands delimiter added.
; - Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error to 1.
; Author(s): SmOke_N (orignal _StringAddComma); Valik (original _StringAddThousandsSep)
; GEOSoft (added localaization and ability to handle pre-formatted strings)
; SmOke_N (complete re-write)
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): Changes are script breaking after AutoIt version
; LCID numbers can be obtained by pre-pending the OSLang codes in the help file appendix with "0x".
; This will be the LAST re-write of this function. DO NOT ask for further changes.
; If it's not returning what you want then write your own.
; Example(s):
Func _StringAddThousandsSep($s_string, $i_convert_lcid = -1, $i_current_lcid = -1)
If $i_current_lcid = -1 Or $i_current_lcid = Default Then $i_current_lcid = 0x0400
If $i_convert_lcid = -1 Or $i_convert_lcid = Default Then $i_convert_lcid = 0x0400
; Get lcid decimal and thousands separators
Local $t_buff_tmp = DllStructCreate("char[4]")
DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLocaleInfo", "int", $i_current_lcid, _
"int", 0x0E, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buff_tmp), "int", 4)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
Local $s_cur_dec = DllStructGetData($t_buff_tmp, 1)
DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLocaleInfo", "int", $i_convert_lcid, _
"int", 0x0E, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buff_tmp), "int", 4)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
Local $s_con_dec = DllStructGetData($t_buff_tmp, 1)
DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLocaleInfo", "int", $i_convert_lcid, _
"int", 0x0F, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buff_tmp), "int", 4)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
Local $s_con_tho = DllStructGetData($t_buff_tmp, 1)
; For later formatting
Local $i_number = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, "(\" & $s_cur_dec & "\d+\z)|(^-|\d+)|(\D)", "$2")
Local $i_dec = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, "(.+?\" & $s_cur_dec & ")(\d+\z)", "$2")
If @extended = 0 Then $i_dec = ""
Local $i_str_len = StringLen($s_string) * 4
Local $t_numberfmt = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;ptr;ptr;uint")
Local $t_thousands = DllStructCreate("wchar[2]")
Local $t_decimal = DllStructCreate("wchar[2]")
Local $t_buffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $i_str_len & "]")
DllStructSetData($t_thousands, 1, $s_con_tho)
DllStructSetData($t_decimal, 1, $s_con_dec)
DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 3, 3)
DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 4, DllStructGetPtr($t_decimal))
DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 5, DllStructGetPtr($t_thousands))
DllStructSetData($t_numberfmt, 6, 1)
DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetNumberFormatW", _
"int", $i_convert_lcid, "int", 0, _
"wstr", $i_number, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_numberfmt), _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($t_buffer), "int", $i_str_len)
If $i_dec = "" Then $s_con_dec = ""
Return DllStructGetData($t_buffer, 1) & $s_con_dec & $i_dec
EndFunc ;<==> _StringAddThousandsSep()
; Function Name: _String_CountLines()
; Description: Return the number of lines in text or file
; Syntax: _String_CountLines("Text or full path to file")
; Parameter(s): $sText - text or file to check
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success Returns the line count of $sText
; - Failure set @Error to 1 if no text was passed to the function
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
$Count = _String_CountLines($sFile)
MsgBox(0, "Line Count", $Count & " Lines")
Func _String_CountLines($sText)
If FileExists($sText) Then $sText = FileRead($sText)
If NOT $sText Then Return SetError(1)
StringRegExpReplace($sText, "(?m:^).*\v|\z", "$1")
Return @Extended
EndFunc ;<==> _String_CountLines()
; Function Name: _String_CreateWordList()
; Description: Create an array of words in a string
; Syntax: _String_CreateWordList("String or file"[, skip single letters])
; Parameter(s): $sStr = String or file to check.
; $iSkip = Skip single character words. Default is Don't skip
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success a 0 based array of all the words in a string
; - Failure
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): best if this is used with _ArrayUnique() to get unique words
; Example(s):
$aArray = _String_CreateWordList("This is some test string of 10 words I put together",1)
If Not @Error Then
For $i = 0 To Ubound($aArray) -1
MsgBox(4096,"Results", "Word number " & $i+1 & " is " & $aArray[$i])
Func _String_CreateWordList($sStr, $iSkip = 0)
If FileExists($sStr) Then $sStr = FileRead($sStr)
Local $sLen = "+"
If $iSkip <> 0 Then $sLen = "{2,}"
$aRegEx = StringRegExp($sStr, "(?i)\b([[:alpha:]]" & $sLen & ")\b", 3)
If NOT @Error Then Return $aRegEx
Return SetError(1) ;; Unable to create the array
EndFunc ;<==> _String_CreateWordList()
; Function Name: _String_GetChrCount()
; Description: Count the number of times a given character appears in a string
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $cStr - The string to check
; $cChr - The character to count
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): The number of times a character appears in a string
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): Can also be used to determine how many times a string appears in a file
; by using FileRead() for $cStr and the string for $cChar
$Test = _String_GetChrCount("This is just an example.", Chr(32))
MsgBox(0, "Results", $Test)
; Since Chr(32) is a space then it would return 4
Func _String_GetChrCount($cStr, $cChr, $iCase = 0)
If $iCase <> 0 Then $iCase = 1
StringReplace($cStr, $cChr, $cChr, 0, $iCase)
Return @Extended
EndFunc ;<==> _String_GetChrCount()
; Function Name: _String_GetQuotes()
; Description: Find The Literal Strings And Set the Quotes
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $sString - The string to check
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s):
; Author(s): Smoke_N
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
Func _String_GetQuotes()
;Create delimiters for double single and double quotes
Local $sDQ = Chr(1) & Chr(1), $sSQ = Chr(3) & Chr(3)
;Replace Double Double quotes ""
$sString = StringReplace($sString, '""', $sDQ)
;Replace Double Single quote '' and return
$sString = StringReplace($sString, "''", $sSQ)
;Get Quotes
Local $aSRE = StringRegExp($sString, '(?s)(".*?")|' & "('.*?')", 3)
If IsArray($aSRE) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
;Loop through and add back in the correct quotes
For $iCC = 0 To UBound($aSRE) - 1
$aSRE[$iCC] = StringReplace($aSRE[$iCC], $sDQ, '""')
$aSRE[$iCC] = StringReplace($aSRE[$iCC], $sSQ, "''")
Next ;$iCC
Return $aSRE
EndFunc ;<==> _String_GetQuotes()
; Function Name: _String_GetWord()
; Description: Return a desired word from a string
; Syntax: _String_GetWord($iStr, $rWrd)
; Parameter(s): $iStr - The string to check
; $rWrd - The string location of the word you want to return (default is the first word)
; Requirements: None
; Return Value(s): Success - The word that appears in the location specified in $rWord
; Failure - Returns a blank string
; Author(s): GEOSoft - Modified from a function in JdeBs original Tidy script
; Modifications: Added the ability to use StringRegEx compliments of Smoke_N
; Notes:
; Example(s): MsgBox(0, 'Test', _String_GetWord("This is the string to test", 4))
; - will return the word "string"
Func _String_GetWord($iStr, $rWrd = 1, $Regx = 1)
Local $aStr, $Rtn = ''
If NOT $Regx Then
$aStr = StringSplit (StringStripWS ($iStr, 3), " (" & @TAB)
If $rWrd > $aStr[0] OR $rWrd < 1 Then Return $Rtn ;;<<=== You looked for value outside the array range
If $aStr[0] > 0 Then
If StringInStr ($aStr[1], '#', 0, 2) > 1 Then
$aStr[1] = StringLeft ($aStr[1], StringInStr ($aStr[1], '#', 0, 2) - 1)
If $rWrd = 1 Then Return ($aStr[1])
$Rtn = ($aStr[$rWrd])
$aStr = StringRegExp($iStr, "[\s\.:;,\?\!]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_#$=]+)[\s\.:;,\?\!]*", 3)
If IsArray($aStr) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
If $rWrd = 1 Then Return $aStr[0]
If $rWrd > UBound($aStr) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
$Rtn = $aStr[$rWrd - 1]
Return $Rtn
EndFunc ;<===> _String_GetWord()
; Function Name: _StringIsLower()
; Description: Check to make sure a string is all lower case
; Syntax: _StringIsLower("string")
; Parameter(s): $sStr - String to check
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success = True if string is all lower case otherwise False
; - Failure
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): This is used to avoid flicker problems when checking a GUI control
; in a loop where the control contains punctuation or whitespace.
; Example(s):
_StringIsLower("This test sTring"); Returns False
_StringIsLower("this test string."); Returns True
Func _StringIsLower()
If StringRegExp($sStr,"[[:upper:]]") Then Return False
Return True
EndFunc ;<==> _StringIsLower()
; Function Name: _StringIsUpper()
; Description: Check to make sure a string is all UPPER case
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $sStr - String to check
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success = True if string is all upper case otherwise False
; - Failure
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): This is used to avoid flicker problems when checking a GUI control
; in a loop where the control contains punctuation or whitespace.
; Example(s):
_StringIsUpper("THIS TeST STRiNG"); Returns False
_StringIsUpper("THIS TEST STRING."); Returns True
Func _StringIsUpper($sStr)
If StringRegExp($sStr,"[[:lower:]]") Then Return False
Return True
EndFunc ;<==> _StringIsUpper()
; Function Name: _String_LastIndexOf()
; Description: locate the last position in a string of a given character
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $liStr - The string to check
; $liChr - The character to locate
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): The position in the string where the last $liChr is found
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): This function is an AutoIt replacement for the VB LastIndexOf().
; Example(s): $Test = LastIndexOf("C:\test\myfile.txt", "\")
; returns 8
Func _String_LastIndexOf($liStr, $liChr)
Local $Li
$Li = StringInStr($liStr, $liChr, 0, -1)
Return $Li
EndFunc ;<==> _String_LastIndexOf()
; Function Name: _String_LineLength()
; Description: Get longest or shortest lines in the text
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $sText - text or file to check
; $iLong - If set to -1 or default then it works with the longest line
; otherwise it uses the shortest line
; $iCount - If set to -1 or default then it returns the character count
; otherwise it returns the string
; $iArray - If NOT set to -1 or default then it returns an array where
; array[0] = the character count
; array[1] = the string
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success
; - Failure
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s): If $iArray is not either -1 or default then $iCount has no effect
; Example(s):
$sFile = @ScriptFullPath
$Value = _String_LineLength($sFile,-1, 0)
If NOT @Error Then
If IsArray($Value) Then
MsgBox(0, "Returned array", "Character Count = " & $Value[0] & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Value[1])
MsgBox(0, "Length or string", $Value)
Func _String_LineLength($sText, $iLong = -1, $iCount = -1, $iArray = -1)
If FileExists($sText) Then $sText = FileRead($sText)
If NOT $sText Then Return SetError(1,1, "Unable to read the text")
$aText = StringRegExp($sText, "(.*?)(?:\v|\z)", 3)
If @Error Then Return SetError(1,2, "RegExpression Error")
Local $iLength = StringLen($aText[0]), $sRtn = $aText[0]
For $i = 1 To Ubound($aText) -1
If NOT StringRegExp($aText[$i], "\s*\S") Then ContinueLoop
If StringRegExp($iLong, "(?i)-1|default") Then
If StringLen($aText[$i]) > $iLength Then
$iLength = StringLen($aText[$i])
$sRtn = $aText[$i]
If StringLen($aText[$i]) < $iLength Then
$iLength = StringLen($aText[$i])
$sRtn = $aText[$i]
If NOT StringRegExp($iArray, "(?i)-1|default") Then
Local $aRtn[2]
$aRtn[0] = $iLength
$aRtn[1] = $sRtn
Return $aRtn
If StringRegExp($iCount, "(?i)-1|default") Then Return $iLength
Return $sRtn
EndFunc ;<==> _String_LineLength()
; Function Name: _String_WordOccurs()
; Description: Count the number of times that a word occurs in a string or file
; Syntax:
; Parameter(s): $sStr - String or File to search
; $sWord - The word to search for
; $iCase - Case sensitivity. If -1 (default) then it's case sensitive
; anything else = case insensitive
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): - Success = Returns the count
; - Failure = None
; Author(s): George (GEOSoft) Gedye
; Modification(s):
; Note(s):
; Example(s):
$iCount = _String_WordOccurs("A test string to Test the count", "test")
MsgBox(4096, "Results", "The word test occurs " & $iCount & " time(s).")
Func _String_WordOccurs($sStr, $sWord, $iCase = -1)
If FileExists($sStr) Then $sStr = FileRead($sStr)
Local $sCase = ""
If $iCase <> -1 Then $sCase = "(?i)"
StringRegExpReplace($sStr,$sCase & "\b(" & $sWord & ")\b", "$1")
Return @Extended
EndFunc ;<==> _String_WordOccurs()