Welcome to AutoIt Central !
NOTICE: This site will soon undergo major changes including the removal of some code and most of the pages you currently see. Eventually all that will remain is a list of links to downloadable files.
Over the last few years I have come to love working with AutoIt code. Much, but not all, of the code on these pages has been shared on the AutoIt forums and now it is time for me to gather all of these bits and pieces together so that others may (or may not) benefit from them. Hence the primary reason for creating this site.
Perhaps you're asking yourself "What in the world is AutoIt?" well here is a description from the AutoIt developers.
"AutoIt is a freeware Windows automation language. It can be used to script most simple Windows-based tasks (great for PC rollouts or home automation). AutoIt has been in popular use since 1999 and continues to provide users and administrators with an easy way to script the Windows GUI. In February 2004 the latest version of AutoIt - known as AutoIt v3 was released and added powerful scripting features."
What is not mentioned above is the ability to create and manipulate a user interface (GUI) using AutoIt. It is also used for control manipulation on external windows, clicking controls and entering data into forms for example. For more information click the AutoIt Home link below. If you are new to AutoIt scripting, be sure to check out the tutorials section of the menu. AutoIt 1-2-3 will give you a great start.
This is a totally new page so don't be surprised if you find dead links. Except for a few items on the menu that are being used as placeholders, I think I have all of the links working now, but I have been mistaken once or twice in the past. If you find a broken link then please notify me. In the meantime I hope that you will be able to take some advantage of the information that I am providing. If you would like to have a link to your site added to this page or if you have code that you want posted then contact me via AutoIt Forums Personal Message or Email. I will also consider hosting other peoples applications that have been written using AutoIt or other AutoIt related files.
Please be sure to try some of the functions in the Code section of the menu on the left.