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NOTE: AutoIt3Wrapper now supports the use of this installer package. That means that AutoIt3Wrapper will now search the registry for the installation path of Resource Hacker and you do not have to place it in any specific folder.
This is the Win32 installer package for Angus Johnson's excellent and now famous Resource Hacker application. For more information regarding Resource Hacker visit the Resource Hacker home page.
All I have done here is create the installer and provided the file space for the download with the written consent of the copyright holder. All copyrights still rest with the original copyright owner and all terms and conditions of product usage remain the same as outlined on the Resource Hacker page. During the installation process you are given the opportunity to also download and install the Resource Hacker help file. It also allows you to add "Open with Resource Hacker" to your context menus for any valid Win32 executable file so that you can view it in Resource Hackerâ„¢.
You also may be interested in knowing that I have just released the Beta version of a separate application which will add or remove "Open with Resource Hacker" entries the context menus for supported file types. You can find it on the Beta downloads page.
Please note that Resource Hacker is no longer being developed nor is it currently supported.
AutoIt Scriptomatic is the compiled version of a script written by SvenP. All I have done was make a couple of simple changes in order that it work compiled.
It was written as the AutoIt equivalent of Scriptomatic 2 by Microsoft which output VBScript code for common WMI functions. I am including this in my downloads because I find it to be an exceptionally valuable tool when working with WMI and within an AutoIt script.
Please note that the original script produced some errors on rare occasions and I have not yet attempted to correct those for the compiled version.
Watch for a new version coming soon !!!
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